
"a storage house for black guys who happened to annoy a cop once" - perfect

Because this is Jezebel and grotesque double-standards are all the rage. As is seeking to demean anyone who dares to question those double-standards. This is what so-called "feminism" has degenerated into in 21st Century America. It's no wonder that many people feel uncomfortable identifying themselves as feminist

The story is primarily about the Washington Post op-ed piece which actually does make the argument that women should get preferential treatment by the justice system, which as someone who believes in equality I find repellent.

It takes a very particular mindset to look at a fundamentally dysfunctional prison system that is over 90% male and decide to focus on women.

Well put and a large part of the reason I unwaveringly support ending the Drug War.

I don't know that anyone benefits from prison. We need to either slash the number of people who are incarcerated and reserve it for those who truly need a holding center to keep the general public safe, or implement real rehabilitation services for inmates, especially those with relatively short sentences.

I meant rehabilitation in prison. Or, I should say, effective rehabilitation. I don't deny that programs exist, but I think that most people will agree that the penal system largely fails people in that regard and that the system does little to actually make it possible for people to break out of the circumstances and

I understand the impulse not to live next door to a burglar. But what if incarceration is actually more damaging to society in the long run? The evidence is starting to make it pretty clear that we need to find alternative means of punishment and rehabilitation.

I completely agree. It shouldn't matter what gender someone is, if they haven't committed a violent offense, we should focus more on rehabilitation than on punishment/mere incarceration.

Yep! I have thought forever, that we should have two totally separate and distinct jail/prison systems. One, for non violent crimes, geared toward education, job skills and making it easier for prisoners to actually become a part of the workforce and be productive members of society. (Instead of the revolving door

Because imprisoning black people for fun and profit is basically a national pastime.

If they said it as you did fewer people would click and they wouldn't be able to pretend that they were radical forward thinkers.

Most these arguments seem like they would apply to both genders. We should stop locking up people who pose no threat to society, regardless of their gender.

I don't really see why the focus has to be on women here; just non-violent offenders in general.

This is why we can't have nice things, America!

That is depressing. But now we know how to get a better voter turnout: include marijuana on all states' ballot initiatives. Sounds like a good plan.

I absolutely loved this episode. It made the whole debacle palatable to even the most skeptical "gamer". Free-to-play, freemium, and "free to download" are fucked up business practices that serve only to make the developers money, and do absolutely NOTHING to help promote good business practices. It should be a crime

This. Whenever I'm watching my friends' children, I have to hit like 3 buttons and every tv and electronic device gets locked down with a quickness. Lazy parents are lazy.

The Parents Television Council is a conservative group aiming at making television to be their standard of family-friendly. Basically, they're almost more conservative than the Tea Party. And the FCC outright admits the PTC is the source of most of the complaints it receives.