
HOLD. So the market is making games worse with accepting all that that is listed in the link you posted. (wack wack cracked dot com)

How is this for a child?

she would run her hands through my hair while my head was in her lap and sing You Are My Sunshine, to me.

you can, you just have to be a white man fearful of a black child wearing clothes.

IF that was the case, it would be the case. the fact that people had to make demands shows that it is activist that are making demands and not customers.

I have been to Reddit, like once or twice in what, 5 years. And I am no MRA. But, go ahead and assume you know shit.

All praise to allah para-aramid synthetic fiber is good. In the name of jehovah. With yhew nothing is not possible . May the Vampire-Zombie Christ Bless you all, With Ebola.

So this is why CBS is not on DEMAND on my cable box. Just because of that, I will never do their stream. Why do these companies think they are the ones in charge? The people with the the money should be in charge. #FUcbs!


I am not claiming to be a geek ass fuck face expert . All I said was I have seen 128 broken in 3 days. And I said not all packets are as secure as people have been told. Those two things are very specific .and don't undo anything you said. Out side of you changing the meaning of what I said. You are adding more

Thank you for saying that so well. I would came off so badly if I had said it. I would have been like... blank blank dumb da da.

I lost a short woman to a dude who was Taller than me. And I am 5'11&3-4ths.

you really think that that is what any one thinks has ever thought?

I agree to a point. I for one felt there were too many N words in Django Unchained. I love QT movies, so I rented Unchained. I will not be adding the disc to my others of QTs.

my comparison maybe faulty, but that is besides the point. I see games like GTA ending up being marginalized and no longer on the big 3 platforms.

So the autographed, uncut, sheet of Trading Cards I won... That was total lucky. and I will never win like that again?

that is all fine and what not, but in the end, games like GTA will end up being outliners. games for creeps.

i had something like this happen to me. i was doing 90mph and a trucked slowed down, so I change lanes, it zips into my lane, so i zip around it, and almost crash into the little jeep that was going slow that made the truck slow down and move into my line. why people drive slow in the fast lane is beyond me. but i

Good point. I am Hispanic and I hate that I can't find porn with Cholas. (And jynx maze does not count. ) (even if dressed as one, once.)

Ok, that WAS a silly comparison. I will give you that. And you sound balanced.