
I think 2% of public wanted to see theses pics, meanwhile 100% of the "news" people wanted to use this as fonder. Now go sit in the corner.

are you saying RedBull did not market it self as more powerful than coffee?

very very very easy, but Exponentially disgusting to a factor of infinity.

OMG, I so need to see that! Link please. :P

Clearly you are correct. But, this so would explain why all my X's have kids that look like me. Thank god their not mine. Because that would be a ton of child support.

lies are lies. just because no one thinks it true, should not matter. companies should not lie.

So one needs to do a class action against the people selling Greek Yogurt that is just thickened yogurt and not strained.

I make it a point to make a list and stick to it. and to never buy anything I sample. And when give I am use coupons like buy one get one free, like at a burger place, I only buy what is on the coupon. no sides no drinks. because that defeats the point of getting free stuff.

Drove with leaking gasket for two years with black oil leaking and black and white smoke and stuttering .

Man I want the original SimCity on my windows phone.

I would tend to agree. But, if we must not hear him... maybe we should not have to about the case at all ?

So maybe when that boozing bro says its not his, maybe its not his????

loved that show. I have loved Yeardley Smith since that show. :P

meh. dead men... meh.

All I know is, I hope most men die. I don't like men and I am a man. Men are evil. Men are killers. And men are scum.

I for one am all for less dudes.

no one cares about any ones feeling ever. people are scum.

I was thinking, that less men, would make women chill the F out.

of course a person with bad taste in people would have bad taste in music.

I have to wonder why one would come up with such silliness. There are a few years left in this term. And congress is not letting B.O. do much. Its over. Get over it, people. A black man was POTUS. Big Deal. And a woman is going to be POTUS. Dont like it? Vote. Vote people. stop spending some much time coming up with