
Am I the only person who read Siege by. Edwin Corley.??? anyone know where I can find a PDF of it?

...Or he is like the idiot with a Rolls Royce that drives around town stealing ketchup packets to avoid buying a whole bottle.

Is not that adultfriendfinder? is that still online, anyone?

you just blew my mind.

Why should people invest untold amounts of time chatting up people, only to later find out its a no go? People who ask potential romantic partners for specific, odd things without provocation are saving everyone TIME. Time! You do know everyone's time is finite? We should all want people to be so efficient.

As a Hispanic person, who never gets any love from the cholas, I have to say she can have it. Most of the brown people I know, who are not family, are assholes, who think their shit don't stink and are nothing but sell-outs who think they are white or married white. Hell, even some family are like that too.

you rage makes my laugh like an idiot.

Oh my god, please someone let shock jock dudebro morning shows die a slow terrible death already, please GOD.

Ok so given the LAPD history, (or NYPD) , I should assume they are lying about the suspect? OR should I assume they are always telling the truth?

Right, because 99% is close enough to 100%. But find me someone who would like to be 99% dead.

Ok, patty hearst.

So rape is bunco of the sexual world... ?

If she says it was rape, that is the end of the story. Rape is what the victim decides it is.

1. One should never: Lie, cheat, steal or accept, tolerate, or condone those who do. Or be a party to said crimes.

In short, people are full of poop, and don't know jack.


Says the dude who looks like he can't get laid with a bottle of Quaaludes.

sorry, not sorry.