
I guess some people just flat out refuse to hear the truth.

So why didn't they just say, Shirt and Tie, slacks, and dress shoes required? Because otherwise, it is clear this about keeping people of one class/race out.

It is the women who controls who she dates. Men just get lucky. FACTS. Be honest with your selves people.

Hay everyone! The grammar Nazi is HERE! Watch out or he will gas you.

And your comments are not a sad attempt to be seen?

Is that Search engine ?

Never had to do that with Yahoo search.

Hum? Its 2014, everyone is juggling all kinds of things. So not sure were you coming from.

To be fair, I am sure they were busy keeping celebrity nude pics off the Internet, and passing laws that protect the off-spring of celebrities, and Beating Rodney King and defending the police that did it, all while having the CRASH UNIT frame people. So they are kind of busy up in Cali.

This nation has millions of people in prison. Because when we like an idea we double down and ride that idea to the point of stupidity. How many people will lose their livelihood under the guise of not supporting this crime or that crime? ? ? ?

I did not know Rhimes was a cee lo green fan.

:( missed 8 minutes.

That was sappy.

What about the dude in the Rolls Royce who steals ketchup packets?

I had a women get very, very, very, angry when I asked her how many people she has had sex with. After that reaction, I felt I should avoid her. (but I have to ask, What was with that reaction?)

I guess we have found a way to get out accounts deleted. . .

This is for the fans, not you dick monkey.

Haven't the already been broken?

Shut it, I love both.

Messed up joke. Ok. But if the kill this rare episode I will be so mad. Wtf. Wants next will porn be censored? Is this fucking Japan?