
So you really thinks kids should be tried as adults?

Tho makes me ask, why can't we resentence innocent people??

I know a 13 years old girl that had sex with stepdad so she would not have to live with him and her mom, and so that she would be moved with other family . She was also s gang member and inked.

Whorevac is vile, and her maker must be brought down. For the crime of making a mockery of being an entitled twat waffle.

That kind of girl is always 30% off.

The X-con?

Black dude can't hit wife and keep his job, but what woman can say "N", and be racist. I see, but its men that hate? Ok.

No that's not naive.

Been watching Law and Order and all its flavors since I was a kid. Great show. We should want more, not an end to SVU. Like how about CyberSVU? and CSVU! just kidding about that last one. But, anyhow... Chris Noth, christopher meloni, jerry orbach, paul sorvino, Sam Waterston, and dozens of one offs, of some the

I have a question,

So that is how a 45 year old women looks so sexy, off to buy some chicken.

Good. How else will predators find victims, otherwise? Why should a rapist have to rape a completely sober person.

When I was in HS, the teachers would not talk about Nam, nothing. Like the even the word was taboo.

I love how embarrassment is now worse than not ########## people.

but that is what we are headed to.

Good thing that worked out.

WORD. And how about we not be so dumb about this when teaching sex ed? Teens should be able to talk frankly and get answers that they understand. even it means using words that may offend. Because ignorance is far more offensive.

If he is that self aware, why are you still using diapers?

their tied together and effect each other. It needs to stop being private.

(never mind, they try to fix symptoms only. ) I had reflux, and the doctor was dont eat this, and that, and what not. AND TAKE THIS PILL.