
so being racist which hurts all people of that race, gets you out of work for a year, but hitting one women gets you no work for life?

i hope.


When is anyone going to point out the obvious, this lady was trying to start the SR backlash?

Not her stuff, its going the wrong direction.

For retail it is average, and a gram is not enough volume to warrant a price break.

Seems fair, considering we are brainwashed to want them. Forced to keep getting new ones every few years. Have to deal with formats changing. And have to make two year agreements. WE are all slaves and it all runs down hill from the the 2%. WE NEED TO STOP THINKING WE NEED THEM. they are the ones that need our money.

True, but should anyone who cant take criticism be taken serious?

Why do people hate pink? I would love it if Jack Daniels started helping people with

Why does having feels attached to something mean you are recalling it more accurately ? I remember the facts, my feels about those facts are meaningless and only serve to make those memories painful not accurate.

I am with her, Fuck it I quit.

1.35 its a mahjong game, and the only app that I felt safe buying from the Microsoft app store. :(

I just got a nokia lumia 1020, it takes the best pics EVER. But yea I have a camera that makes phones calls. If I knew how bad Microsoft sucked at making phones OSs and how lame their app shop was, I would have just got my self a real camera and kept using my lg optimus t p509 burgundy which is a better phone, better

Don't any girl have anything on the Woman that is JLO. Jennifer Lawrence is boring, so of course she likes a band as lame as cold play. I am sure she likes john cusack, too. Stop rapping white people, only eminem gets a pass. I hope Sirmixalot is getting paid off that single.

nice casual racism / class ism.

only cheapskates have rattling trunks. its called Dynamat, but most people are broke by the time they have a system that needs this. They should start with this 1st, and line the whole car with it. but that would cost.


low rider cars never went away. I think donks will still here around for at least the next 40 years. just less.

No. and same goes for tards, and other issues. We sure are blood lustful up in here.

hum, So I should warn all my lover that I might beat their ass, and that makes it ok?