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Hum. No. My grandfather lived into his late 80's. And he ate lard with lard. His kids, they ate American Food, 3 of his kids have died before age 70. And two of them were not fat asses.

well, I agree. But, processed food is bad. I just don't know how that leaps to VAX must be poison.

You made me laugh. :( I feel bad.

IF this kills those kids and a few million innocents I can live with that. Rich kids most often grow up to be vile.

IS her catalog even worth a million? does she even have a million dollars worth of assists. And surely she is not liquid in the least. I am sure she lives from royalty to R-check.

So are Yelp ranking legitimate?

same thing with two eggs bacon and hash brown, if you are going to eat that, you best have an active job. if you sit at a desk all day, better switch to a cup of Gert and Black coffee.

I see the LD publicity machine is kicking back into full swing. It has become as predictable as the winter frost.

I wounder if they would let me raise the money to pay off my child-support and student-loans? ? ? ?

I was thinking much the same thing. I have never used yelp. mainly because I rarely agree with others about what is good food or service. And this ruling promises I will never use yelp.

So are you saying every single bad review is lies?

Kind of jacked up that you think so little of credibility. But, than again most businesses people have none. From what you are saying.

WHAT? I think the exact opposite. That said, I am not sure how in light of this news and ruling ... how will Yelp have any image? Because it is clear they are not acting with good faith.


$16,435 for the Scion IQ. but yes 60 for the same thing would be nuts.

I should just get a IQ and locate the grill from a Cygnet.

WOW. I googled that, and both of those are damn cute. Lovely.

now that is off the chain.

what is the name it?

And yet no one ever ask Martha Stewart the X-Felon, if she stinks up the place with her x-felon title. !!!! So yea, the media is fill with P(s)OS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!