
i still use my original email from college. its hotmail. but it has become loaded with mostly spam. (1999)

so I am an odd ball? I have the same hotmail account from 1999. and I make sure be the owner of my username at every and all sites. even if i will not be using them. i can give my user name and not need to give the dot com part.

Telling people to shut up, will never win points with me. Not that anyone would care. Much like I give not a single turd about grammar spammer. And you know nothing about me, not a single thing. So do not assume I do not know what I am talking about. Life sucks for most people. And the shit rolls down hill. Thus


I think that is low, I personally know 24+women that have reported to be rape victims.

I would love to gloat, But I shall not. I am not white. Sadly. LOL.

I was kicked out and moved back to my home state. Which was much better than having to prove a negative. It is insane how there is no way to prove i did not do what she said. AS i defended my self, I could see how it looked. nothing sounded good. almost anything you say in this kind of event, sounds like blame or

Well, YEA. Every single woman I have known, ever, (non-family) has been raped. So clearly it is out of control. I hear you on that. I also think we have no idea how man men have been raped.


I like women with lots of bush, but I hate hair-suit porn. so yea, i hear you.

I have a crush on Tina. :)

Giorgio Beverly Hills, but what is odd is that it is my moms fragrance. :-(

so you are at least 39.

Beats the hell out of me. She asked me back to her dorm. She gave me rubber for her dresser. WE had sex. Next thing I know I am in the Deans, explaining that it was consensual. So it does happen.

Maybe. But I have been on both sides. I was raped by 3 classmates, in middle school. And later in life I was accused of rape by a Coed. When it comes to sex, people are not honest about in the lest. Some people brag and others down play. We live in a world were to have or not have sex ed is debated. Kids cant talk

True. But, The question still has to be asked. I have had more drunken one night stands than I care to admit. I don't know how drunk the other person was. because i was gone. one time i was drunk i could not even get it up and she had to drive us back to her car, and i feel asleep in my car in the parking lot of the

speaking of bugs, ATT Uverse pays too many Emergency Test Broadcast, If I watch too much DVR. Upwards of two a day. :( :( and they are so much louder then my TV shows, that I have a tiny heart attack each time. and my Blood pressure shoots up. :/

This is why people are against social programs. social programs reduce the meaning of their abandonment of family, and friends.

Without diverging opinions, your just in a circle jerk.

Badge Bunnies, nothing new. Being able to kill people with little or no oversight, clearly make some people more attractive to others.