
for every charity that turns them down, i will add a year to how long it takes me to see the last two hunger games. Two can play this game.

sites go down all the time, why does FB going down make headlines?

Mindy is an adult and should not have to explain anything to anyone.

sometimes i wish peoples dreams would come true. if it was not for porn we would not even have a Net or DVD. and it would nice if that was the case.

speaking of Iron Man, is it me, or is FX always showing Iron Man? WTF?

LOL. Its not like that hurt him. its not like you cant demand he return your money. lol.

I will start sending money to this foundation and think of JLaw nude while doing do. they can suck it.

i never understood the point of the could. it think it is the one of the worse things we have been suckered into since Blue-ray. i say that because most of the things promised in Blue were the things we were sold on DVD. DVD used to great but only on a very few select movies. after everyone jumps to Blue, the titles

Well, clearly we wound need to fix that. But, I think if we were ready to kill people for most serious crimes, we would be compelled to fix those things. And we need to have a national talk about how bad eyewitness testimony is. and we need to be ready to only convict people with hard evidence. and not convict people

I set my Windows phone to not sync my images.

If I was a celebrity I would have my own site and my own photographer and post up pics of me all every day. and nudes often. thus make them meaningless with over espouse.

only staying makes marriages last.

actually I use a debt card. I check my balance via Text, and would never use a bank App. They are not secure. and the cloud and Net message and email are not at all secure. and one at any sever can read and see all that you do. and all info on the net travels from server to server. we at a people really fucked up

i agree you should not have been harassed. but do you really want to live in a world were people cant tell each other to drop dead?

more over, the speech that is protected is mostly criticism of the government and pubic figures and art. Revenge Porn, as the idiots have dubbed it, is harassment and or theft and or violation of a agreement. We do need laws, buts lets not get carried away. Or if you want, why dont we jail kids the take pics of

This nation has a bad history of overreaching, in the name of right the pains of our citizens. Prohibition comes to mind. A lot of people died and a lot of money was wasted on what was a bad idea, formed with feelings about men being drunk and wanting to control those men and their behavior. and we learned nothing.

Nope. I think we jail too many people. We need to move toward house arrest and work release. and death for serious crime and tickets for the rest. and legalizing most if not all vices. and we need to stop with list and stop branding people for life.

I am sure cloud-services all state their they promise nothing. Much like cell service. for the past 20 years we have all been agreeing to use service without any promise of it working or any other implied promises.

Yes, lets make everything a crime. Because we have endless funds to jail every single person. And, yes we can afford to give everyone a criminal record. We will just print more money. and that will work out fine. Yes, lets do that.

Idea: instead of leaked nudes obtained without celebs' consent, look at this!