
why do people act like they are going to die, if they let a human cross the street. what is so hard about just waiting? please die.

I fully agree. But it really pisses me off that people act like its normal to stock someone and end up in a fight with them and kill them. how that fuck is that legal? how is that all right? Why does everyone act like Zimmerman acted normally and/or logically? This killer and Zimmerman need to both be on death row.

so should i take this to mean i cant defend my home, but a stranger can kill me for walking down a public street after having bought a soda and candy??????

forbid. lol.

why are all the next vids porn-like?

your acting like there are hot women in the liberal world.

maybe gang culture needs to be mocked. and thus killed the way rap was killed.

Yes, because no one ever, ever, should have their timed wasted by a stranger. God for bid.

you sure did use a lot of damn words to say Lil' Kim is not in the same league as the POS that ripped her off. WTF?

the fact that people paid real hard earned money to see this idiot, makes wonder why I should even keep trying to be human.

it is very easy to be smarter when you are not busy worry if someone will willing touch your junk, today (as you have requested) .

you really think children should be coddled?

WOW. I so love post. I would love some in put. I just learned that it is fine to wipe till clean. and that I have to tighten up. never knew that.

Racist much? WTF?!?!

clearly you don't know what I mean.

so why do I always see dudes in nice car with the hottest ladies as passengers?

Not everyone one can roll with a punch. thus we all mostly are we should not go around randomly punching people. because yes most people could stand a punch or two. but when you punch that one soft skull person. One should face murder charges.

would you submit to being raped by a large type inmate at a state prison?

I beg my wifey to open a account and toll people. the stuff she says is gold. if she would troll with that mouth of hers the Internet would melt. And I would be one happy shit head. lol.

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