
nope. people who die because of not being able to live past a V birth, are making humans better. letting them live is making humans weaker.

(though, given statistical information, it is still thought to be slightly more risky on the whole than a vaginal birth in cases where complications are not predicted). + billions born via the V. enough for me to call BS on C-cutting.


how have C-S been a thing VS how many humans for how many centuries have been born via the V???

too bad we live in a world with so many laws, rules and shit heads.

LOL, JLO looks a millions times better then Beyoncé

well yes if you have a kid, you do need to have someone watch them 24 hours. leaving them alone is not an option. I baby sat for my mom. and you do have to watch kids. they are dumb and will put most things in their mouth.

losing track of something and it ending up in your bowls have not a thing to do with each other.

you know it could still be inside you?

What should have they done? Coat the balls in Ipecac? Unless he marketed theses balls for swallowing I do not get why they were pulled or why its his fault people ingested them!? coins can kill. a penny almost killed my mom. and yet we still have pennies 40 years later. and most of dont even one them.

I used to work at Wendy's, when they had a salad bar called the SuperBar it was a buffet and it had salad, tacos, potato, pasta, chili and soap.... . and Kale was used to border the carafes of food. not for eating. for looks. LOL!

Radishes need sun. ...

Here is a pic of them. the only ones I can find in my city.

you know that is a good question, how are my radishes coming from AZ!?!?!?

Meanwhile all I want is a lady that loves dudes with ink that are Mexican. Loves Metallica, Hank3, and Jesus Christ Superstar. Smokes weeds, does not smoke smokes. Loves Mexican food. and swallows.

What ever. I want to know why radishes only come from Arizona. Because I refuse to do business with Arizona but I want some damn radishes.

someone needs to flog her.

i have to call BS. if just being behind you would show the volume, why wouldn't any dude being in public, be able to know this information? Or is it something about YOU, that needed to be seen. the Volume you personally get? Because I know cat calling and harassment is a thing. I have seen it in movies and did it as

from your own words ... you are the problem. you bring that out in people. PC.