
I am sure this will be bigger than Microsoft.

I married young, 16, me my wife my Best Friend and His BEST Friend... got together and we all slammed a MD20-20 each. my BFF throw up in restroom but on the floor. my wife threw up in the bed room she couldnt make it to the RR. my buds bud, he did not even get off the floor and threw up on the carpet he was sitting

NOPE. Life is nice when you have it. But I have to die. That is going to suck. You cant say that never being would suck. Because never being, does not hurt. I was not took from one place and placed here. I was made here and will die here. so no.

the only thing fucked up about the world is US. We are the fly...

this must be something only rich people think. being lower middle class, I know all kinds of people that drink MD-20/20. I drank it as a child. But I don't know any black people or homeless people. (the few I did know i the past did not drink and were professionals. ) I have to say that Jason's jokes are aimed at a

... but people keep putting him in things. and people watch those things. it not like he is willing his career. we are partly to blame.


Is it ture OITNB got canceled?

clearly you can work hard. So you really should have worked 1st, saved, and went to school without having to go based on what mom and dad made. from your own words, you would have actually be able to pull off great things. At a job. you have would have lost nothing waiting. and school would have been more enjoyable

yes. and since you were living with family you could save money up and not have to barrow as much. You sure are short sighted. Debt is worthless.

and all you had to do was get a job and wait. once you hit a certain age they no longer use mom and dads income. you paid for a choice you made. so get over it shit brain.

that looks fake as hell. WTF!

but was she kept out because she is white?

if you were an adult, they would not go with your family income, only yours. you are a idiot.

omg. thanks a million for the info. TONS! And yea I did mean that their uniforms were fetching.

kids are humans not slaves you control. damn.


Her cats, or her "CAT"?

does this have anything to do with gone baby baby(2007)???????????

Only if Geninne Garofalo is opposite her.