
So two years ago they were robbed, they MUST be in the right by denying every black man entrance to their store.

It is if you sound “inarticulate”.

Well the caller didn’t sound like a legitimate customer.

I'm thinking seven foot tall black men in Wisconsin are pretty rare.

How exactly did they “bear a resemblance” to Henson? You realize he’s 7 feet tall right? I know people aren’t great at guessing height, but when you see a 7 foot tall person it’s pretty obvious they don’t look like a 6 foot tall person.


Props to Bose for making headsets that size.

Mobile Organism Designed Only for Koaching?

I really don’t know why or when, but I’m saving this for future use.

That’s some great nightmare fuel...thanks!

I just cannot stop staring at that. You have simultaneously made and ruined my morning.

Honestly, Sebastian Stan’s the best part. Chase Crawford is bland as cardboard and Steven Strait is trying his best, but the rest of the cast is utterly forgettable.

Yea! How is he supposed to know drunk driving is dangerous????

then you would be wrong... I think we all know enough about drunk driving these days that we know that if you willfully get behind the wheel while drunk, you’re a human weapon. So yeah... trying.

and there is alwazs Hiddleston. No avenger, but a decent and nauseatingly nice person.

If you haven’t seen it yet, Daredevil is fantastic, and Charlie Cox seems like a great human being. Hope!

Yes, but he apologised promptly and sincerely (as far as I could tell). Unlike Renner who just went, ‘Yeah? Yeah, you think that’s offensive?’. All I can think of with him, is that he’s gotten really annoyed with having so many people like and support his career. He just wants them to stop.

chris is flawless. he’s a genuinely angelic human.

Hemsworth loves his wife and his kids - and supports kids charities in Australia and says good things about feminism and otherwise stays away from the media, so far so good