You just ignored what everyone else had to say about lack of skills, time, and energy, didn’t you? There’s also something the poor face that you and your white collar wife don’t: decision fatigue.
You just ignored what everyone else had to say about lack of skills, time, and energy, didn’t you? There’s also something the poor face that you and your white collar wife don’t: decision fatigue.
Okay but, surely you can understand how “just live somewhere else” is not an easy tip for people on limited income? What if you get a new job that’s far away? What if your company relocates you? What if you can’t afford to “pay a little more”?
It should be noted, that when you’re poor, fast food is one of the few ‘luxury’ items within reach. You spend your day feeling priced out of the things everyone else seems to be enjoying.
But a burger and fries off the Dollar Value menu tastes good and is within budget.
Even if you know it’s bad for you, poverty can do…
My favorite example is a welfare person getting out of a Mercedes.
Getting any form of public assistance is hard work too. You have to fill out reams of paperwork and provide tons of documentation over and over to get food stamps or help with your utilities or, sometimes even to visit a food pantry. When my husband was unemployed, I was temping and often pulling in just a few hours…
I know a lot of people who think that way but have never been poor. I will say I’ve never been poor but I can imagine and I can put myself in someone else’s shoes mentally which I think a lot of people today lack.
There’s cheap food that’s healthier than poor people tend to eat. The problem with it though is it 1) requires more time to prepare and 2) sometimes requires learning at least some basic cooking skills.
You’ve obviously never lived paycheck to paycheck if you think eating healthy isn’t more expensive than eating ramen and hotdogs...
If there’s anyone out there that actually thinks being poor is simple, then they deserve a right punch in the face.
Have you ever been poor? Heard of food deserts? Worked two jobs to keep up? Made about ten thousand decisions a day (do I spend money on food? Medicine? Rent? Bills? What do I skimp on? What about my shoes that are about to die?) Try it for a while and then tell poor people how they’re “lazy.”
Yeah, both sides are definitely losers here.
a) You are right. There are some places where a motorcycle could overtake with no risk for anyone and a car couldn’t. But laws are meant for vehicles without dinstinction between 2, 4 or 18 wheels; and if you are using that road, you should obey them. My opinion as a rider when I get stuck behind a slow vehicle: pull…
So it comes down to The Law vs. common sense, being stuck behind a slow car in the twisties for 15 miles till the next actual passing zone, stuff like that.
What’s “spot on”? Are you saying he has a total right to be a douchebag and do what HE wants no matter what? No matter that he lives in a social world with a bunch of other people?
OK, so you don’t give a shit about being a member of polite society. Move along.
your attitude is why bikers get a bad name.
I ride motorcycles and have for over 20 years now. Have I passed people on a double yellow before when I was younger? Absolutely. Do I do it anymore? No way. Is it always wrong? Yes, for at least two reasons: (1) it means you are out of driver expectation (same as bicyclists running stop signs even when it’s “safe” -…
i wouldn’t get too worked up over @TimSee’s comments as i expect Darwinism will be catching up with him one day. (though i hope not)
I don’t have any issue with bikes, but your attitude hear does nothing but harm to other bikers. The law and rules of the road still apply to you. Your bike does not give you a free pass to ignore certain laws because you feel like it.
The biggest problem I have with a) is that half of the reason for the rules of the road is that it gives you a reasonable expectation of the behavior of other drivers. You should always be aware of your surroundings on the road, but it helps when people aren’t pulling out surprises on you. As for b), there are some…