I think by the end of RotJ he’s a super wise always does the right thing good guy...but sometimes it takes him a minute. He got angry at Vader and beat the crap out of him...then got himself composed and saved the day by NOT killing his father.
I think by the end of RotJ he’s a super wise always does the right thing good guy...but sometimes it takes him a minute. He got angry at Vader and beat the crap out of him...then got himself composed and saved the day by NOT killing his father.
It was a good and noble end - he went out making a difference, saving lives and having been able to say a final goodbye to his last living family and even seeing his beloved droids one last time.
I mean, people may not like it - but he does go out in a blaze of glory as a super powered Jedi - doesn’t he? He takes on the most powerful other force user alive in the galaxy that we’ve seen (Kylo is still shown as more powerful than Rey, just look at the throne room battle) by projecting his presence all the way…
And I don’t get the need to have Luke be some super-powerful Jedi that goes out in a blaze of glory. Where is it implied that he’s even half as powerful as even his father? Outside of the old, discarded EU, he’s just a guy who’s strong with the force. The only people he ever took down in a fight were normal people.…
I just don’t get the idea of Luke as a super wise always does the right thing good guy in the first place. He beat Vader by getting pissed and using his emotions. Of course he could fuck up.
I loved this reveal as well, and it certainly does rebuke certain things about Abrams’ storytelling style (though I also like Abrams fine and, realtalk, this revelation would not have the same impact *without* Abrams style, even if it was clearly intended to set up more of a traditional revelation). But I have to step…
Rey is the only person that Kylo Ren is vulnerable with.
I’d hate to lose that.
Disagree that either Snoke as a character or Rey’s background were actually set up as a mystery in TFA... it’s more the internet that made them so. (Seems fair to say that JJ probably did see Snoke being more involved in 8 and 9 and not cut down early though.)
The original wasn’t about family at all, and it didn’t come into play in Empire until the very end. It mattered in Jedi and the prequels, which most people would consider the worst of the lot by some margin, and the series was most compelling when it was about a ragtag group of rebels with varied personalities that…
It’s kind of ridiculous. I’m probably in the minority but I don’t agree that Rey’s family is a “mystery box” at all in TFA — I didn’t read anything in the film as suggesting Rey was anything but abandoned.
I really, really hope not and I’m going to be pissed at Abrams if that turns out to be the case.
Yes. That’s one of my big hopes for the next movie, that Rey will build a new Jedi order that doesn’t make the same stupid mistakes as the last one. Like maybe ripping tiny children away from their families and turning them into magic space monks with no bonds to other humans is a bad idea.
I was really glad at that reveal. I don’t think it was Kylo screwing with her. I think she figured it out when she went down the sea anus on Luke’s planet. Having her just be a random person really reinforces the final scene with broom kid. I now expect broom kid to be, like, Kenobi’s grandson or something.
I also loved the jab at the Jedi Order of the prequels when Luke points out how they were over romanticized and more or less brought about the rise of Palpatine and the Empire through their own ineptitude.
They didn’t work on it together, but Abrams never gave Johnson direction on who Rey’s parents were, and independently they claim they had the same answer anyways.
I loved this reveal. Of all the gripes people have about The Last Jedi, this is the one I most disagree with. Honestly, how could anything else have been satisfying?
The person who decided to sing Hallelujah as Clinton was not the person in charge of booking Trump as a guest.
the Iron Bank guy would not commit their support of Cersei’s war until their repayment made it to the Iron Bank, which as we know from the epic end scene, it did NOT.
Don’t tell me, that after the first film was a hit, that Rowling couldn’t have chosen to throw her weight around for further films, especially as the fervor over the books and movies grew and grew. There was no one more influential in the world of popular entertainment at the time.
JK Rowling is the boss lady of the writing world who is sheer fire on twitter.