
Can we take a minute and try and understand "... that does how he do use..."

But Coca~Cola's totally for evil things like slavery. They tweeted out a whole bunch of ASCII art based on Mein Kampf, remember?

Which as an Everton fan sucks, because he apparently has chosen it to show it through actions and not words.

Well, yes, people would.

An all-dog basketball team? I mean, having one Air Bud isn't a handicap, but if the entire team is nothing but Golden Retrievers? They'll get killed on the boards.

I know, right? If I'm unfamiliar with a sport (or in this case, just unfamiliar with the NCAA field vs. NBA) and the media runs an article saying, "Hey, if you like this style of play, team, or philosophy, root for this team," then I can go, "Hmm, maybe I'll root for this team or against this team."

There's a reason Mike Wilbon and the like follow that plan so closely: IT WORKS.

That second one was just great. On first watch I thought he was losing the ball as he fell and just got lucky in getting it to Mozgov. Nope, that was just a pinpoint pass less than a foot off the ground.

Except you literally said (and then re-quoted!):

Didn't need the help; I would still call all that "fake behavior". If you have to be told to be a good friend, then you're faking it. If you need a professional reason to be a good friend, you're faking it.

A few months ago, I had lunch with my old CIO, and while I still owe him a few follow-up emails, I happily consider him someone I'd call if I took the "layoff test." In short, if you were laid off today, think of the first ten people you'd call or email to see if they had leads for new work, or advice. If you can't

I kept waiting for someone to comment about it, but Drummond wet-willied him during that interview.


So that alternate theory means the Saints are fucked, right?

These arrows are scientific ones.

I guess there's two camps to this movie. People that thought it was great and people that thought it was the movie we were supposed to start making fun of Liam Neeson for. I actually didn't know the first camp existed until today.

I can't really argue with a person with such an outstanding avatar.

Wait, since when was The Grey a movie with a good script?

Adalius Thomas was a big signing for the Pats that was a big miss. I mean, I would have considered him a "name" free agent at the time. Corey Dillion was actually a trade if I recall.

This crime is fucking unsolvable.