I know, right? The tuck rule was called correctly at the time.
I know, right? The tuck rule was called correctly at the time.
That UMass coach totally kicked out that wheel on purpose, it was like watching that hockey coach trip a kid in the handshake line.
They use plus/minus in basketball now too. It's actually a whole lot more relevant since the sample size is a whole lot larger due to the significant increase in scoring versus hockey. I mean, it's not an extremely wide-spread stat (a lot of modified versions exist than just straight plus/minus), it's just more…
Wait, Philly's only the 14th fattest city? I thought they used to be battling with Houston for fattest. Guess all that non-running is really working out for them.
I thought he said he could "braid a dozen live rattlesnakes with his feet" which sounds much harder to me.
Minor league doesn't mean amateur. The AHL is both a professional league and a minor league to the NHL. Like the entire MiLB system with players in Triple/Double/etc.-A, they get paid.
Shouldn't getting hit by a car be 27th?
I know this has no chance of happening, but what if Johnny Manziel wins these last four games and then leads Cleveland to a Super Bowl? America would go topless for a full week if that happened. Manziel would never be sober again after that. It would be anarchy. I find that much more appealing that dopey Tom Brady…
Easy, pay someone to call you that often enough until others pick it up.
There was actually a whole article about the stand v. sit debate by Drew a few years ago, should be easily searchable.
Trick question, they're talking about being gluten-free.
I think this list needs to disqualify any athlete who's hatred is because of a crime. Like, yeah, sure, OJ is obviously extraordinarily easy to hate, but that's because he murdered two people, not because of anything related to his playing career. If you aren't excluding athletes who murdered people, then wouldn't Rae…
Nothing you said has ANYTHING to do with why liberals lost the most recent election. The entire reason why liberals lost the last election? Young people didn't vote. The reason they won in 2012? Young people voted. Lost in 2010? Young people didn't vote. Won in 2006 and 2008? Gosh, look at that, young people voted.
If the UFC wants to function as more of a traditional sports league—instead of a cartel, like boxing—then the gear athletes wear is a perfectly reasonable thing for it to take ownership over.
Yeah, but that's only like, less than 1 in every 3 people...
I don't think that's happened yet, Colbert's new gig on The Late Show will just confuse him.
I assume LA won this game since Dan Carcillo fighting with a three goal lead against a rival just brings back bad stupid memories.
No I wouldn't, I've called plenty of players on the team I root for shitheads that I want off the team. The guy is a Bertuzzi-incident waiting to happen, just without his skill. I don't want a skating 5-minute major who couldn't even crack a point per game in the OHL.
I know he's not the one who punched the ref, but Tom Wilson is a shithead. Can we just pretend he did it, and on purpose?
But then the tree wouldn't be named Tom.