
So, in fact, you still prefer to lie than answer my question. Why is that?

So, in fact, you still prefer to lie than answer my question. Why is that?

Why do you lie, and then pretend that your logical fallacies are real questions?

“The definitions you have cited do not say boy and girl are sexes. More to the point, the dictionary is not a sociology text. You’re ignoring decades and decades of research into gender. Why would you do that?”

“No, they refer to gender.”

“What I do know, however, is that Fanucci, the 5-year-old German shepherd who nearly died in a car accident, should not have been scratched from the show because of a hematoma that he couldn’t even help that had formed on his left ear.”

“Those words are different from the words we’re discussing, which refer to a person’s gender.”

You’re not being truthful

“I’m not contradicting myself. You seem to think either that sex and gender are the same thing or that boy and girl are sexes, which they are not, rather than genders, which they are.”

“No, I’m quite familiar with it. That’s why a school segregating washrooms by sex rather than by gender results in certain boys not being allowed to use the boys’ washroom and certain girls not being allowed to use the girls’ washroom.”

“which demonstrates that the DoE is unwilling to act when boys are banned from using boys’ washrooms or when girls are banned from using girls’ washrooms or when those boys are required to use the girls’ washroom or those girls are required to use the boys’ washroom.”

So you didn’t even bother to read the article.

So you use your ignorance as a pathetic excuse to insult others.

“Yes, it reverts to allowing schools to segregate washrooms by sex, which allows them to force boys to use girls’ washrooms and girls to use boys’ washrooms.”

So they’re saying ‘we will not get in the way of you segregating by sex’

So you haven’t read the article (or the many others covering this).

“Forcing boys to use girls’ washrooms and girls to use boys’ washrooms is bad. This decision allows schools to do so, making it bad.”

The protesting students come off as kind of racist. If the student was not the most qualified for the role, then why not bring it up?

My wife has been eligible for citizenship for years, but has no current plans to apply.

There needs to be a very open look into this sort of thing. Much like sexual assault, I’m sure that if people started keeping record of who does things like that and comes forward, then certain names would come up over and over again.