
LW1: the girlfriend thing sounds pretty irrelevant. Your letter makes it only an intro into your daddy issues. Keep working with the therapist to move past your father.

So in other words ‘this is really important....you know, if we can make someone else pay for it’

“For now, the battle over dreadlocks in the Army may be won”

I think it odd that California even lists gender on such documents. I’ve lived in a few states and had children in several...none of the driving licenses or birth certificates mention gender.

“Gov. Jerry Brown signed the legislation, dubbed the Gender Recognition Act by its supporters, on Sunday, creating a third, nonbinary gender option on California state-issued IDs, driver’s licenses, and birth certificates. The law will go into effect beginning in 2019.”

And without actual evidence, we cannot yet know which one was guilty of being an asshole

Status unlikely to change until the residents actually want it to change

I don’t think that pulling your hand forward is so very different from pulling your finger back

“Presumably, the human operator is what the lawmakers had in mind when writing the section about trigger pulls. If the human is holding still, and the gun’s recoil is doing all of the work of pulling the trigger against this unmoving digit, does it really still count as a pull? The gun is doing all the work. You could

Except that you are still required to operate the trigger...it is just done in this case by pulling the trigger into the finger rather than the other way around.

You shouldn’t be projecting any.

“So why can’t you get them through an online doctor’s service, like we can with birth control pills and other medication?”

All the evidence I could find indicates that children do not “just happen”

You’re still projecting your own bias.

You’re obviously not paying attention. The 2012 vote never asked which option people preferred.

One must remember WHY the questions are worded certain ways and why particular groups participate more or less. The reason that 2012 vote came in slightly skewed and what happened most recently: the party favoring statehood designed the votes. That’s why the questions were worded the way they were and received

I met someone once who could vomit on command. Seems like it would be really useful in the groping sort of situation

It actually doesn’t depend on how one tallies the vote. The 2012 vote never included a question asking people what they prefer among the various options. A slight majority favored altering the status quo, but that includes wildly different things. The second question only asks which option, of a limited set, people

Columbus discovered the New World....just like I discovered that restaurant last year. Sure, it was already there, and millions of people had been there, but it was new to me!