But it does answer your question
But it does answer your question
Sure. So would chopping of everyone’s hands.
Do you think a deputy or marine need semi-autos? Why or why not?
And yet anti-gun crusaders just keep droning on about automatic firearms. Now they’re even in a frenzy about a device that allows a rifle to be fired...more slowly and even less accurately than an automatic
There will always be things *just* this side of the legal/illegal divide. Is your plan to just keep going after that next thing forever?
Yeah, sure....and then you’d probably complain about all the open carry
So that would be your response to racist policies?
Hey, they never showed up....eh, it IS Mississippi
But actually calling has not worked well for me. I’ve gotten people who know jack squat. In other instances, I’ve gotten people who refuse to answer in favor of just telling me what they want...as an example: when calling to ask a couple of questions about the local open carry law, the two guys I got on the phone…
Turns out your opinion is incorrect. Not much more infringement of the right to keep and bear than seizing them
Their graphics folks want to unionize 😉
Fortunately, formal recognition is not necessary to organized labor
“But James Hodgkinson, the man who shot him, did have an extensive criminal record — one that included charges for domestic battery. That charge was dropped, allowing him to legally buy a gun under current law. Republican lawmakers could change this, but they consistently vote otherwise at the behest of the NRA.”
Hopefully not. Let Puerto Rico pay back the debt it incurred
“I was very determined to kill myself.”
By why no good proposals?
Guess what: my keeping and bearing arms does you no harm. You’re just pushing a silly false dichotomy
Given that the main provision is not making people fork over a fistful of money to the government every time they get one, the greater class equality would be a compelling reason
And, quite typically, those on the other side of that particular aisle are busy using it as an excuse to push their political desires
“Dennis flagged two issues: One, using the term “preferred” to describe someone’s pronouns is inaccurate—those pronouns are the only acceptable ones to use. Second, the framing that Schultz “identified as non-binary and intersex”—one that numerous media outlets used—is language that implicitly questions whether…