
“Offering a so-called ‘choice’ between jail time and coerced contraception or sterilization is unconstitutional. Such a choice violates the fundamental constitutional right to reproductive autonomy and bodily integrity by interfering with the intimate decision of whether and when to have a child, imposing an intrusive

It is ludicrous that turning the cameras off is even an option. Put them on while on duty, remove them when going to the bathroom, take them off at end of the duty day.

Great news! Nobody has to watch it.

Doubtful that any of them had the skills to go save him, and it frankly sounds like a suicide, but it doesn’t take much humanity to call 911 and not mock the man...apparently they couldn’t even muster that much.

Oh boo hoo, it turns out men actually want some of the same things women want, how horrible

‘This is horrible, because I need to get my husband to give me his opinion before I choose one of the things he didn’t like ‘

The problem is that they don’t want to give us access to actually run the checks.

“A lot of people give Florida a hard time for producing the most insane news items, but it’s high time Texas got credit for being just as batshit, though far more organized.”

There’s nothing a stranger can tell you about your hypothetical far-future society that is any more accurate than what is already in your head

Sadly typical response...’oh nos, the guns!!! Forget <i>the murderers</i>, did you see the word guns!?!????!!’

What about a DESIRE to play? Even if someone could be altered to be a top-notch player...they still might choose to go be a swimmer or snowboarder instead. Hell, they might not even have an interest in sports

The whole ‘black people love fried chicken’ thing always seemed a bit nonsensical. It would seem to imply that people of other races just don’t like it much. Given how many tons of the stuff is purchased each day, I think it pretty safe to say that most people enjoy fried chicken.

Why does it drive you crazy that other people feel differently?

Why respond if you aren’t sure what is being discussed?

You’re still pretending that a binary view is relevant to the discussion instead of dealing with the actual issues at hand

Sure, there are numerous cases other than ‘XX, produce eggs’ and ‘XY, produce sperm’

You do realize that humans cannot (yet) alter human chromosomes or the gametes people produce, right? You do get that sex and gender are different things, right?

So it gives employees and employers greater freedom to decide for themselves

By the actual definitions of sex.

So Canada lists genders rather than sex on birth documents? How would they even get the baby to communicate their gender? What the hell is “biological gender”?