I wish Jezebel had a subpage/site dedicated to mothers and soon to be mothers. Beauty and marriage both have one!
I wish Jezebel had a subpage/site dedicated to mothers and soon to be mothers. Beauty and marriage both have one!
It’s not in this article but the reason the $10 bill is being changed is because it is due to be done. It needs upgraded anti-counterfeit measures unlike the $20.
Abusers are often extremely charming and able to cover their mental issues, otherwise they can’t find victims.
You do realize that men in these situations are liars who construct their own reality that supports their wants and happiness and has nothing to do with what other people (wives) need much less anything having to do with the truth?
Whoa, I promise you the response you’re getting here aren’t because we’re all into tired gender norms. It’s because we’ve either been somewhere similar or have had someone we love be there.
All love and respect due, but these comments are not people being rigid about nontraditional relationships, honey. This is a bunch of women who read your description of this man’s behavior, recognized it from past mistakes, and are telling you what a strong, independent woman learns to do in response to the all too…
You’re asking for advice and then rejecting what you get. A lot of us have been where you are, and we’re trying to spare you. Frankly, this sounds like self destructive behaviour. I’m not a professional, but I’m seeing someone who has constricted themselves for a very long time out of fear and now you’re looking for…
Here’s the thing, men have affairs and it’s not cool. You want to be in control then say no because the only one you can control is yourself. There is no way of goingabout this successfully and its not a relationship.
First off, it’s ‘advice’ with a ‘c’. Secondly, stop fucking married men. You’re not nearly as in control as you think and this is going to end badly
I would have to guess Mark.
This raises the obvious question: which Jezebel writer has “Kangaroo” set as a google alert?
I wonder how much of it has to do with the fact that we, as a generation, are so saddled with student debt and bleak job prospects that going out and getting laid just isn’t that feasible when we’re broke/still at our parents’ place.
Yes! We can title it Kangadudes.
Republicans have recently announced that they support a minimum wage hike to $15 an hour, and $12 an hour for women.
You can’t trust someone who claims cole slaw is better than ice cream. That’s a sign of either a liar or a lunatic.
Non-mayo salad is sooo much better