
gtfoh with sharenow threatening legal action. pay the man and move on.

Yeah, sorry... property owner is not at fault here.

“Just have it towed” doesn’t always work. Tow trucks can take hours to move a car, if it all.

I have to move two to three cars a year for this reason. It is quite selfish to think it is okay to do this on someone else’s property without repercussion.

The property owner is not in the wrong here at all. Quite frankly it’s horseshit that a tow company won’t tow this illegally parked car off of his property, and that’s 100% on the city for not having clear laws, but as with all of this “disruptor” bullshit, from Uber to Car2Go to AirBnB to Lime or whatever else, they

How is the property owner wrong here?

anyone attempting to extort our business by holding our property illegally

Yes, I’m sure your rah-rah nationalistic reactionary rant is better thought out than the ethical objections of people who actually work in AI for a living and have spent non-trivial amounts of time thinking about the ramifications of their research.

At the expense of their country? What the actual fuck. So working women are supposed to open their legs and “Think of the Fatherland”? What a weird misogynistic piece of crap you are.

If Jehovah’s Witnesses went around forcibly kissing people, then yes.

That’s right. It’s an issue of historical context and how that shapes the meaning of the words we use. That word coming from the mouth of a white person has an inherently different meaning than it does coming from a black person. That’s what linguists call the connotative meaning of a word; the meaning it acquires

“This video really was out of innocence

Yup. That word belongs to one group of people, full stop.

Gee, what a surprise! I am shocked and amazed! #ThisIsMyShockedFace


Nope. Not even close. I am a man who is frequently online and I have never and will never face the kind of harassment women do.

Do you really think that men face as much harassment as women online? Honestly?

I can’t with these back in my day people, and the levels have been at an all-time high since the move to Kinja.

His idiotic essay was on a widely read site. It’s fair.

I mean, everything that Erica has written and said is constantly under discussion at Google (I still have a ton of friends who work there), so her speaking out IS changing things, just very slowly, despite what she thinks. Even if it’s just to avoid a bunch of horrible negative press, they are making way more effort

“Business owner disagrees with my beliefs/lifestyle and refuses to create a product that celebrates or memorializes same.” I’m kind of with him on thinking this is okay, in theory — if I owned a bakery and some racist skinheads came in to buy cupcakes, I would sell them cupcakes (and go “ick, ew” under my breath the