This is how I imagined whoever typed this shit.
This is how I imagined whoever typed this shit.
i don't know how to read that damn thing
What galls me is how high and mighty the new writers are. They are sooooo above it all, except in this one bizarre instance . . . an instance which is a violation of a person's privacy, and a complete misunderstanding to boot. It's her boyfriend. Who knows why she looked guilty and who fucking cares? She didn't sign…
This apparently is the horrific nature of life in the 21st century - do something awkward in public and have thousands of people come down on you for what they've misinterpreted as "something wrong" (even if they're not sure what it is that you've actually done "wrong"). I hate to think of how much shit this woman is…
That's an argument that they have acknowledged in the past as bogus. When you don't approve of a story, you don't post it. Simple as that.
When Adrien Chen outed Violentacrez all the way back in 2012 (an ice age in internet years) I was concerned about doxxing by Gawker Media writers. Michael Brutsch was a gross, hateful dude who deserved to be rolled in donkey poop and kicked through the town square for his publication of upskirt photos on Reddit . Many…
She might just really hate being put on film. Believe it or not, even in the age of social media, not everyone is running towards the camera.
Oh my god lady, your daughter literally said you were part of the reason she was killing herself. Maybe think about what that means instead of running your mouth about how it wasn't your fault and disrespecting your kid even in death.
But, but- religion is never an aggravator of such problems. No, no, religion is just dandy and Christianity is a religion of love! Love thy child, love thy neighbour...
Her marrying her abuser doesn't make it totally cool to make fun of her trauma. They made a fucking costume out of a horrific ordeal. But don't let compassion stand in the way of blaming the victim and letting the asshole in the costume off the hook.
"Why don't women just tell us when they're not interested????" -Reddit
...asked listeners of their "Afentra's Big Fat Morning Buzz" show to call in and tell them names of local porn stars.
Why is it the requirement of society to kindly and respectfully tell you to not throw garbage on the ground?
I usually just go with this:
Am I wrong to want to have this discussion?
Dude, it's a damned-if-you-do-damned-if-you-don't situation. Imagine being in that position: Saying nothing and the hostility rises... or say something... and the hostility rises. It's a probable no-win situation and not AT ALL LIKE A DOG. We're not fucking dogs and we're BETTER THAN THIS.
Hell, next time you see this…
"Just ignore him."
You sound like a terrible neighbor. I have lots of neighbors who ignore their dogs, who bark ALL day long. Doesn't seem to work for them. Besides, I'm not about owning any living being.
I most certainly correct the dog, I am not going to just let him bark his head off all damn day. You handle it how you want to, I'll handle it my way. Thanks!