Just Joshing

(also a ‘14 FiST owner) mine worked great until recently - it’s started to do some wonky shit lately. like another commenter, I also had to pull the fuse on it once (in this situation, it completely froze, stuck on one radio station at a very high volume level & wouldn’t turn off when I turned the car off).

My palms are sweating just watching this.

Every time I see an S2000, the thought returns, “maybe I can fit in one comfortably now.” Nope, still too long. Perhaps with some sort of steering wheel modification or seat lowering or something ... but that’s a supposition for a richer day.

I’m not sure saying a report that came out nearly 2 months ago is considered “recent,” even if it is released annually. Then again, you’ll probably get more hits than most of the folks that broke it when it came out so what the hell do I know about journalism anymore?

Were there not 10 items good enough to make the list so that bus and taxi rides had to be included? It could not be any easier to sit in traffic in either one of those.

Hey, it’s the idiots swerving their SUVs in traffic while taking pictures of themselves and texting that bother me. Stance folks make no sense to me as far as their design choices are concerned but what the hell do I care what they do to their own cars as long as it’s not affecting mine?

I should have known better.

I won’t pretend that I understand labels anymore but I dig this car. Well done, guy, for making it what you wanted it to be.

It’s sad we have to keep having this conversation. Just don’t do it. Ever. “But it’s not hurting ...” No. “It’s just harmless ...” No. “Quit being such a stuck up ...” NO. I don’t care if you’re using a feather or a hammer, I’m going to have the same reaction. It’s not yours - don’t fuck with it.

Those fucking battleboar, I hate them.

And I thought the Raleigh drivers were bad.


Neither one of them is the greatest player alive. Greatest forwards alive, perhaps.

Folks are like techno-vultures.

The 10 or so cars I had prior to my current blue car have all been black or some sort of gunmetal grey - so I decided to mix it up. I’m not sure the blue is “me,” per se, but I got a decent deal on it. The “performance blue” was as loud as I was willing to go on the FiST since the red and orange are a bit too

I just want to see a modern flachbau 911

There’d have to be a lot of people getting really loud somewhere else other than in an enthusiast setting for us to get this to happen in the U.S. Still probably wouldn’t happen, but that’d be somewhere to start. I, for one, would love more bare bones options of everything here.

For the same reason you don’t put a score in the headline for a sports recap ... if they do that, there’s (almost) no point in reading it.

Or they just cut the content down for the original games so it would fit on the cartridges.