
Berman was a victim of what happens to a lot these sports media clowns.

It is not a pick because he did not hit the player covering Renfrow. He is allowed to engage his defender within 5 yards. Now if he would have engaged Renfrow’s defender then it would have been a pick. Instead he engaged his defender forcing Renfrow’s defender to chose to go under or over the top.

“A lot of this is the fact that Obama was an ineffective president.”

Yeah, no change.

Now playing

Green should have had 2 technicals, right? I feel like this godamn monkey.

This whole series has been determined by the refs. Those who don’t see it are in denial or caught up in superficial storylines. In fact, before this game warriors have had driven the ball more, taken more shots within 10 feet and have had more success doing so, even including free throws. It’s what the refs allow off

Depends on what the janitor looks like. All you gave me a reference for was for size.

So a Marlins fan expected a certain level of service, only to get a product that was a cheap, terribly diluted imitation of what was promised? No way he could have seen that coming.

“Was Odor’s punch a sucker punch!?!?

You are speaking of The Gulch? That is some prime real estate there.

The Gulch is prime real estate right now, but if you have a decent income, you could make it splitting with another person. Food here is more affordable than in lots of other places, but there is 10% tax on everything, . However, there isn’t an income tax, so there’s that.

I think the “start small” works on so many levels, and is a profound tool for those of us who may have health-related issues tied to inactivity. Why am I saying it that way? Because not every person who is heavy is unhealthy. I happen to be both, and every person who has ever suggested I should do a 2 hour spin class

..., yeah, ok, to be fair, you’d have to purposely work to make a worse movie than Batman & Robin...

Don’t blame the movie because you couldn’t understand it.

Depending on which Robin it is being discussed, not sure he was all that ‘beloved’.

Be more Manslaughter Bats than MurderBats and his uncaring for the well being of criminal life is apparently a relatively new thing going by the conversations between Alfred and Bruce in BvS.

So sounds like terrible Joker Leto isn’t a Return of the Joker type situation with him being a former Robin. Which makes MurderBats lack of murder more confusing.

You’d probably be better off watching the last 152 minutes of Tommy Morrison’s life.

Is it Rocky V v bad?

You could replace DC with Marvel and your statement would remain true as well.