
Isn’t this the jerk off who said 2 pac was boring? Fuccck thisss noise.

Um Never I hope.

God the irony of that headline. Haha you think Rick would blow his brains out at all the stupid shit they put his face on on amazon/ebay?/hot topic? ha ha


Is waiting 2-3 years for 10 eps really worth it thou? I mean shit far you know Dan and Justin make more on hawking shit with their faces on it now than from Adult Swim. At this point its just to keep the rabid Music Video freaks quieted down.

Because Dan and Justin are lazy bastards who made a good thing and now sit back and cash in on it. MERCHANDISING MERCHANDISING MERCHANDISING!!! $$$!!!! Why the fuck would you pump em out so fast? PEOPLE ARE BUYING UP THAT SHIT! Toys,games,clothes,Dildo’s (probably) there is EVERYTHING Rick and Morty now. I agree with

God those comments on Youtube. Am I the only one who loves Marvel and DC and reads them both on a monthly basis?

Eh. Yeah. I can imagine Liam having a giant rod.

Welp, they killed the Net pretty much. Why not go for broke?

I mean this sounds evil and fucked up but if this guy was found in a ditch CSI:Miami style would anyone outside his family weep?

UGH THIS GUY! He has the most punch able face I have ever wanted to punch. I almost punch my monitor everytime.

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I am so sick and tired of people like Daniels. “YALL DONT KNOW MERICA”! I live in east/middle TN. We are southern backward racist fucks and I myself believe in rights for everyone and disagree with the NRA and everything they stand for.

God I am so over fucking Sonic Fox “Undisputed King”. *gag*

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“People act like if I stopped showing cleavage, I’d stop getting donations and views.”

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She knows what she was doing she knows why people view THEY ALL DO! Shes playing that card like “WHA?! NO WAY”! Come on you know

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Well yes. She is a gamer and is trying to really be one the fact is she started out her self saying she was a “titty gamer” She knew what she was doing and she gained alot of subs and views with her rack. So what is the point here really? She the victim? Her subs just pervs? What?

Well I got it for 100..had it all this time played the hell out of it so..not that mad not as mad as my friend who got FF and i got it a week later for 35 HE WAS PISSED

Wait?! did they get to keep the full game?! WHY DO I ALWAYS MISS OUT ON THIS STUFF?! D:


Am I the only one who has heard of all the go fund mes to raise hundred of thousands of dollars to take kids to see this movie? I know of 5-6 so far. XD and people are like WOW this movie made so much money! *rolls eyes*