So let me make this statement and ask this question in all honesty.
So let me make this statement and ask this question in all honesty.
Lets face it we all have our favorite characters. Maybe do an Injustice 2 style box where you see a little more for the players you gravitate towards?
Then pass. I am not spending all my time on GTA5 just to get a few cool guns and a car maybe?
1. You can not have Sex with the Challenger.
Dude that fucker had his hand on his gun the whole time. He was just looking for an excuse.
Jury is mentally wired to be on the side of the cop. The prosecutors work with the cops daily. Its pretty much screwed up from the get go.
I’ll just leave this right here. Must watch. It will make things so clear as to why they never get arrested.
This guy is good.
Eh, at this point all Trump and current GOP running platform seems to be “Undue everything the Democrats have done the last 8 years”.
“I just haven’t been able to see it yet and as far as I know the overwhelming majority of my colleagues haven’t been able to see it either.”
I finally get to use this classic Internet Hall of Fame clip.
Just a game. Your life will not change based on if your a diamond or a plat. When you realize that the better off you will be. You can’t win them all.
Apparently he isn’t a God. He got beat as his own game. Ended up in the loser circle and got beat again.
so yes lets 100000000%
How the FUCK can this guy get bad ratings?! They MUST be stupid to fuck that up. Just give him a mic ask him anything that would piss off a Right Winger and let him go.
*looks at headline* That’s sad.
Please tell me he did this on purpose and knew 100%.
Don’t think I have yet to see a comment starred so much. ha ha
For real that chicks throw..holy shit thats bad