
IKR! you made a great point! Like at least WE SAW at the time what we had done. But like I remember saying that day in class. We TESTED it! We knew what it could do. Could they not have dropped it on one of those inhabited islands we where fighting over? Dropped it in the ocean to let them SEE what hell awaited them

I agree with you 100% I remember in that class same day about boming Japan twice.

Wait I am sorry but

Let this go to show you fans who TAKE THIS SHIT way to fucking seriously.

When are we as a nation going to sweep shit like this under the rug and realize that some people are just fucking broken?

Being a white man in the south who cares for Native Americans and equal rights for men,women,gays.straights,super gays,super straights,trans,super not trans,confusers,furries? (I think that’s all) OF ALL COLORS is very very draining and disheartening.

America was built on this shit and lies and cover ups.

This guy is beyond repairable he needs to go away. People who actually care what this man thinks should have their heads checked.

OF course he wont! Dude is a two faced lying piece of shit.


Hard to be racists when everyone is replaced with White guys.

QUESTION! Forgive me if it’s stupid i am new to this deathsport called Soccer but.

W-who where they for before?

What a weird slow boring way to go.

Pass. I am not going to watch a 2 half hour Tom Cruise nostalgic cock ride about how awesome he was in the day man.

Lets get this straight right now.

Lets get this straight right now.

Can’t you be all of that and not be a woman beater?

Can’t you be all of that and not be a woman beater?

That’s what I am praying for right off the bat.