Justin Vest

What's up with those first ones you mentioned? I hope the next Congress takes care of that. Sounds inefficient!

Contrary to popular AV-Club belief, many relationships in the world of business are still required to be mutually agreed-upon by both parties

He probably authored the casting note himself! Down with Sandler, up with the rest of Hollywood stars and casting agencies!

"Mansplaining" says everything about the hearer and nothing about the speaker, since men AND women love to talk and explain and assume they have something insightful and original to say.

{claps Sokudoningyou on the back}

Probably why they lose to Samsung nearly half the time!

Don't be afraid of stupid questions, you can't get away from them. Face them head on. Question—did you name one of your kids Harlan Leverage IV?

"Chainsmoke Kansas flashdance asspants". I don't understand the game, either.

Sometimes I wish I knew the demographic breakdown of the AV Club. How "lily-white" it is, and how male.

Excellent work, AV Club

They can say no such thing. They can already say that the rules governing marriage come from the states, and that their opinion is immaterial. Try telling that to a reporter who woke up that day and decided to be the one to get Scott Walker to ADMIT he doesn't support gay marriage.

Awfully personal question

One question that we must never ask, though, is whether a man might have qualities that lend themselves to creating box office hits. I know of no such qualities. But no one in Hollywood, no one in the industry, could ever utter this question.
EDIT: I should qualify this—the only way "being a man" could completely

Eat me, Vargo. I'm not a film investor or a studio exec. I'm not an asshole for assuming they want to make money.

OK, but until then…

Why doesn't one movie studio wise up, and instead of paying Robert Zemeckis and Joss Whedon millions of dollars to direct their blockbusters, pocket the money and hire women directors instead? They win, the women win, and I win. Well, I don't lose, anyway.

I don't think "Directors of Blockbuster Movies" was what they had in mind

Congress isn't mentioned.

It was the Ravens that tipped the Colts off about the deflated balls. I know Harbaugh denied that once the reports came out, but of course he would. Him and Belichick are pretty tight. The four-linemen drive was an exploited loophole that the league promptly outlawed. I mean, OK, technically it was allowed, but it

35-31, the previous week.