Justin Vest

Obviously reply to this: SHUT UP YOU FILTHY RAVENS FAN.

There are some good points raised in this piece that I admit has me thinking twice, but the punishment is appropriate. I watched the Patriots come back twice from a 14-point deficit to bounce my Ravens, using what appeared to be Brady black magic and barely-legal eligibility shenanigans on the O-line, both of which

I knew it would be as soon as I started reading it. "This'll get traffic", I knowingly smirked as I stroked my cat, endeavoring to spend the next 40 minutes contemplating my own cleverness.

Six upvotes for dismissive, content-free contrarianism? Did Bridesmaids piss people off for some reason?

I don't know much about British politics, but what I've read about the UKIP tells me they are against immigration. Is that what makes them racist, or is there more to it?

There was also a "Margaret Thatcher" in the 80s, a favorite of the British punk scene if I recall.

#TBT, Pitchfork back in the Day! Look how young and happy and stupid we were!

Bridesmaids was one of the funniest movies of the past decade, and the explosive diarrhea joke had a clear narrative purpose, directly affecting the insecurities of the lead and the central human relationship of the movie. Man, that sentence I just wrote was correct, but BORING.


Does that mean you didn't see John Wick?

Whoa. Never heard of these, thanks for the links. So there was a Left Behind series back in the 1970s. If I was in charge of all the Christians, I'd begin with a modest rule: "No terrifying heresies that were invented in the 1800s."

I was a kid in an evangelical church growing up in the 80s, and the subject of Hell was not brought up, because they did NOT want to scare us. Did you go to the Church of Hell on Hell St. in downtown Helltown? Unlikely, I know (1000s of churches in this country)

Awesome mix, great band. "I Would Hurt A Fly" is my go-to when I'm trying to turn someone on to BTS. That cello.

Agreed, and I don't blame him. His heart's not in it. The fifth book was a valiant effort, but the story got away from him. Once the show ends the story, and he's a multimillionaire old enough to wonder how much longer he has on this earth, I would encourage him to walk away. And I say that as someone who's read

Ah, interesting. The first time I read Feast, I didn't think she was losing her mind. I thought of her as, exactly as you put it: "a lesser version of Tywin whose downfall was entirely her own fault."
Only on the second or third reading did I see the mental issues, which I thought only enhanced the story, while not

Wait, we're supposed to mark spoilers for the fourth and fifth books? Man, get the hell over to the newbies section if you haven't read them completely (at least twice). Is what I'd say, were I the recapper.

I am nearly gobsmacked that anyone who read the books would come to that conclusion. People going crazy is universally fascinating, especially villains. Think about your all-time great villians, especially on-screen. Most were crazy..the Joker, Anton Chigurh, Daniel Plainview, Hannibal Lecter, Tommy from

But I'm right about everything I wrote on this thread, dammit! Sigh.

Show Sam bores me with his sameness, although for adaptation choices, I might reluctantly grant you that the change isn't terrible. It occurs to me that "cowardice" might be easier to write about with a POV and harder to film, and maybe even annoying to watch for the non-reader.

POSSIBLE SPOILER FOR UPCOMING EP: I seem to recall them filming a scene with Sansa several months ago that made everyone very uncomfortable.