Justin Vest

Nice Uproxx web culture post, AV Club. To be fair to you, maybe they stopped doing Great Jobs on the internet altogether.

"May Not Have Happened"

It really is. I snottily dismissed it when it was new, because the dumbest person I had ever worked with loved it. That is no basis to judge anything, but 20 year olds don't seem to know that, eh? Excellent point about Steal my Sunshine's inclusion—even as I was watching it I was reminded me of poppy upbeat Beck

You call that a "pretty good critique?" It sounds like it was written by a shadowy cabal of sex slave traders.

You know what I mean…[leans in to whisper]…liberals

Just asking a question, sorry if I was being too harsh on the pervert rapist scumbags

Yes, it's a bad practice, but is it a COMMON one? This story, to me, reads as "Rose McGowan stood up to typical bullshit". Sandler becomes the goat, but should the blame be spread more evenly? It would be good to get an industry perspective on this, but revealing industry secrets is a good way to ruin your career

I come for the trolling, but after a few comments it's out of my system

Did it give you a case of the Victorian vapors? Better lie down.

I understand that's a problem, but isn't the audience to blame? Or are they misreading their audience?

You in the industry? Just wondering. This is a town where they line up teenage boys for drug and anal rape parties, so it's hard to tell how finicky they'd be about cleavage

Wait, no, I saw Click after Punch Drunk Love. FUCKING HELL, I am his target audience

Wait, no, Funny People. Shit.

Who's that, the types that don't bound mindlessly along down the internet condemnation train? Please. The last Sandler movie I saw was Punch Drunk Love. Blaming Sandler for this casting note is as stupid as blaming the president for long waits at the DMV.

Yes, well you see, at first I thought it might be helpful, but then thought, "no, these types don't react well to the ol' C-word". Alas, it was too late!

No, not really

Horrible person. I tried to delete that part, but too late!

OK, but aren't we talking about selling entertainment to lower-IQ consumers of Sandler-fare?

All we gotta do is change human nature completely, ought to take care of that particular issue lickety-split

Anyone that uses the word "heteronormative" is an expert on gender issues. Slap it on your resume.