Justin Vest

Yeah, but it sounds super faggy and I DON'T LIKE IT

We can't make fun of women now? I want to die.

Take your sober reasoning and shove it up your ass!

Fascinating, isn't it?

Counterpoint: Constable Bob

Joking about women is absolutely pushing boundaries nowadays, regardless of whether or not the jokes land. And fat people are inherently funny.

He seems to have strayed from orthodoxy. What do the scriptures say on the matter?

Does he? I sort of regarded him as the most intelligent stand-up comedian around. For whatever that's worth.

It is becoming a theocracy. Your ideology is a theocracy. It's an amorphous religion you serve, from which no one can claim religious freedom. You have your own dogmas, like gender equality and identity politics. You have your own scriptures, like The Crucible and The New Colossus, and hymns like Lennon's

That's an interesting loophole for Christians—"if Jesus doesn't address something specifically, it's A-OK!"

Oh, really? I don't recall that part of the Bible off hand, tell me, were they two men, or two women? Or was it three men, like those wonderful Thai pioneers a few weeks ago that got married?

Yeah exactly, "if you don't like it, get out", right? Because you will not tolerate them. Liberty, freedom, these are fine concepts as far as they go, but the moment they brush up against leftist dogma it's right out the window, isn't it?

But these people felt like baking the wedding cake was participation in a religious ceremony. As they made clear, they had no problem whatsoever baking any manner of cakes for any manner of sexual identities. Once again, your opinion of what their faith is or should be is irrelevant. For you to win this argument

Since no one's religion prohibits them from serving black people, that's completely irrelevant, so I don't know why you bring that up. And don't tell me what my religious beliefs are. What you think they are is also irrelevant. It is mind-boggling how quickly liberals will teach people what those people's faiths

People have every right to boycott, but that's not what happened to those bakers in Oregon. They were fined, heavily, to the tune of $150,000. They were given a monstrous choice: obedience to the government, or to their God.

Exactly. Why should he live out his days toiling over work he no longer loves? The whole point of getting rich is so you can do precisely not that.

What are we talking about here? The law forcing people to act in ways contrary to their religious beliefs, such as funding contraception, or making a wedding cake for a homosexual marriage. Whether or not you think these people are stupid and/or bigoted is irrelevant.

What does difference does that make? If you don't believe it, it's a mere fiction to be ignored.

This thread is idiotic, as are its participants. All Republicans do is defend. You started this thread by describing Pence's backpedaling, though he did nothing wrong. This is a matter of competing faiths, Leftism vs. Christianity, although Christianity doesn't force anyone to adhere to its teachings under penalty

Wow, well, I'm jealous of you