Justin Vest

I know in MY lily-white hometown, a man is free to disregard the police without fear of retribution!

Ahh, but can we blame the acts themselves? Just kidding, of course we can.

"isn’t it a net positive for women previously unacquainted with their sexuality to explore it"
I didn't know online porn was necessary for a woman (or a man, for that matter) to "discover their sexuality". I do wonder how they did it in the old days.

I remember the first time I saw this. When Jackie-O met Marty's girlfriend and screamed like a lunatic, I just got a big dopey grin and thought, "Welp, this is going to be awesome". And I was right. As I SO OFTEN AM.

A "less catchy Paul Simon"??? I'll destroy you.

Edith is no better than Mary. She just more of a loser, and we sympathize with her for it. She's given as good as she's got.

Is she? She hasn't really been one yet. Seems like the girl was better off with the Drewes.

Exactly. I felt nostalgic reading that. It was like 2003 all over again.

It is feces that binds us.

You just ruined the whole movie. Now I know something. My week is ruined. I hate you. I want to die.

My wife is totally homospeciest, otherwise she'd probably go with me.

Be nice. It's the Polack Gang.

I thought they had wings in Europe but that they're not big on circumcision there…

But bureaucracy is so fun! Just think of the forms! The variety is endless, you could never learn them all! It's a world as infinite as SPACE ITSELF!!!

Well, I won't read anything this funny for at least another two weeks, give or take.

The country is unified in mockery

SIMON: "You don't appreciate your wife!!!"

Haha, oh man, I am so green with jealous rage right now!

The Wire, Deadwood, Justified (1st 3 seasons), The Shield, The Sopranos…
Breaking Bad falls below this tier, though. It has zero re-watchability. I think its success relied too heavily on "what's going to happen next".

To me, it's the It's Always Sunny or Archer of the drama genre. It's Always Sunny and Archer are near-perfectly executed and always hilarious, but they both miss an emotional core that, IMO, is required to a true "great." And I think The Americans has the same problem. I'm not ripping on the show, but, like you,