Justin Vest

Nice summary of an advanced villain's rationalization process.

Hmm, interesting. How do you feel about Philip and Elizabeth?

I thought it matched the grade pretty well, insofar as I care about that. Which is not much.

Temper your expectations slightly. It's very good, but this article and the comments might raise the bar higher than the show can clear.

I think it's too DARK for the general public. I was hooked through the first season, but seeing all these characters' lives hurtling toward near-certain disaster, with no "good guy" to root for (like a Hank Schrader), has left me cold. And every time Philip is done lying/talking to Martha, I want him to get shot in

Forgive me for my assumptions about you, and the way I stood you in as a proxy for everything I read in these comments that irritated me. Stupid and rude.
However, you did say that Isobel Crawley was the only halfway-convincing liberal voice in the show. I disagree, but at least you don't ignore her. Read the

I disagree. Why wouldn't a socialist/republican work for an English lord? If everyone's job aligned with their professed values, the world would not be the place it is today, and that's true across all cultures and class statuses.
Re: his heart murmur: You attribute a motive to the writers that either yourself or

What? Tom has always been awesome. When did anyone ever complain about Tom the character?

I am so tired of reading the same critique of Miss Bunting's characterization in the comments section every week. "Fellowes hates liberals and Miss Bunting is a total bitch because that's how EVERY socialist is portrayed on the show because Fellowes wants to be a lordly Lord."
I know he's kind of obscure, but if you

How about Mrs. Drewe not figuring out who Edith really is, and Mr. Drewe just suffering his wife's justified suspicions of infidelity? Makes zero sense.

Now you see, this is just too much. This is the kind of tribalism that's indistinguishable from the Twitter warriors we're talking about here.

Don't upvote me. I'm already dead. {camera pans to wilting rose}

I choose your comment to win the top award at the festival!

Don't let the racists do that. I hear they're partial to burritos, but I still want one right now.

@KimKierkegaard is the reason I opened a Twitter account. UPVOTE.

That's true, men have more freedom to be colossal dicks and to shirk responsibility. How Knocked Up exacerbates this ancient problem eludes me. I guess it doesn't matter. The left has the luxury of rejecting pop culture that doesn't suit their philosophical tastes. Must be nice!

Knocked Up was fucking awesome, easily one of the top three comedies of its decade. Too bad your dogmatism ruined it for you.

You may be right about the cultural perceptions. I haven't noticed the attitude you're describing, but that doesn't mean it's not there. I just love the Apatow factory, and don't get the criticisms. So what if having a baby doesn't automatically turn men into grown ups? Knocked Up is a movie about one who did.

Is that what you call having an actual, paying occupation so you can put food on the table, or at least trying? "Material success" and "social status"? I call it having just the smallest of testicles and half a brain.

It's certainly not "dude-centric". The tendency to become more responsible once parenthood comes affects mothers just as much; usually more.