Justin Vest

Why do people attribute motives to filmmakers that are never stated and barely implied? I've known a few "immature, self-absorbed, vice-happy dudes" that have grown up after having children. Women, too. Not all, of course, but Knocked Up was a story featuring one such guy who DID grow up. I did not at all sense

Not seeing the same implications you are. In Knocked Up, all those guys sat around smoking pot and watching movies, the latter part of which they deemed "working". If you want to assume Apatow was judging the whole world, and not just telling a story about certain characters, well that just seems exhausting.

Was he? I didn't see Elizabethtown, but Orlando Bloom has struck me as someone lacking the requisite charisma to be a movie star. Hate to be too harsh on the guy, but my suspicions seem borne out by his career lately.

Well, asking a sixth-grader to identify a triangle is like asking them what 1 + 1 is. No exaggeration; it is that basic. A more realistic example might be drawing, say, a trapezoid. That would fit the description of something that a detached parent of average intelligence would deem as medium-difficulty for a

Yeah, I just pretended she got home from something super important and the babysitter just left, while ignoring what time I thought it was supposed to be.

"He's been cheshire catting his way in to our good graces for far too long"

I wouldn't say it was pointless. Dewey came in babbling about Mexico, and his murder witness was intended to be the crucial thrust of Boyd's prosecution.

"Good work Lou. You'll make sergeant for this."
"I already am sergeant, Chief".
"Quiet Lou, or I will bust you down to sergeant so fast it'll make your head spin!"

Santa brought my children a copy of How to Train Your Dragon 2, and I've never been angrier at that fat bastard.

That joke still had legs!

Are you sure? It's relentlessly bleak and depressing, and its subject matter is almost, but not quite, a dead fad! You should start watching from the beginning!

Now everyone's been told they're not supposed to like them, so they don't. I was never a huge Seinfeld fan, but are they really that much more self-centered than most people?

The problem with Sunny: it's a show that appears to be written and produced by lifelike androids with incredible comedy-simulation software. It's funny as hell, but it has zero heart, zero warmth, and therefore nothing to care about. It's undeniably funny, but it's not enough.

Really? I thought it was the first GOOD episode of season four, a spike in quality during what was fated to be a long decline.

Anybody remember Jay Pinkerton's work on Cracked? Remains the funniest web comedy I've ever come across. There was a ton of good stuff on Cracked seven or eight years ago. Who knows, maybe it's still there, buried under the Buzzfeed-ish veneer.

"Comment police enforce conformity standards"

Nothing weird about it, since the quality of television exploded around the year 2000

I enjoyed it. Those other shows can suck it.

The guileless look on Gareth's face after that exchange just kills me

I'm sure the employees of McDonald's are grateful for the Guardian's outrage, then.