Justin Vest

I really hated the cartoon "love" ads a lot more than this one, where Freddy and Jason become besties and other nonsense of the like. OTOH, I assumed the signs were real, and put up by franchise owners, which to me is less offensive than equating McDonald's with Love with a capital "L".

You mean leave it to a British paper to bring up something totally irrelevant. Most ads on television are brought to you by cheap labor. What makes this one special in that regard escapes me.

I do need Nike Shoes—desperately as a matter of fact, but unfortunately not for working out. Is there any vendor out there in the wide world that can meet my need?

I hope the World of Warcraft episode was highly debated.

I hope they're right in this case. I've only seen one episode, and it was recently. Thought it was OK, but couldn't at all figure out how it won so many awards. "Must have been the gay couple with the adopted kid", I thought. That's a big chunk of Emmy bait, replete with those cartoon odor lines wafting out the…

Reminds me of the time I went to a steakhouse and asked for a 10 oz. sirloin medium rare, and I thought to myself, "if this thing has NO red in the middle whatsoever, I swear I'll never eat again". It didn't, so I didn't. Now I'm dead :(


Hey man, cool ideas

To each his own I suppose, but "Ernie Hudson's character is the best thing in the movie" is the Armond White-take of Ghostbuster-related internet comments.

That's OK, everyone else understood

Those clowns in Congress are at it again!

"Most people" do no such thing with Ghostbusters, "most people" that aren't contrarian, joyless bores realize that Ghostbusters holds up very, VERY well to the discerning grown-up eye.

Oh yeah! "PG" ain't what it used to be!

OK, but what do I drink (and listen to) to feel YOUNG AGAIN??!!? Oh, to be young again!

Whew! Thanks for breaking the spell!

So I thought Return to Cookie Mountain was their first album. Now that my ignorance is corrected, this effectively means that TV on the Radio has released two albums today. Thanks, music nerds!

My kids are 5 & 7, and their toy habits are identical (except we have a Wii, not a PS2). All right, fine, you can parent your own kids. I'll stay out of it.

They wouldn't come up, except in this singular instance. Action figures are typically "good guys", or at least a character that a child can see as a protagonist. Now if there were an Uncle Hank figure with a "Sock Walter White in the Face" action punch button, well there's a toy I can get behind.

That's another thing I don't believe belongs in a Toys R' Us

You are on fire