Justin Vest

Were they $60 a pop?

Of course it's harmless. The point is, what's it doing at Toys R Us? No comic stores around? Of course petitioning is ridiculous, but people like to petition. This doesn't raise a flag as an especially dumb reason to me.

Much better

Good one!

"They're clearly labeled age 15 and up".
What the hell kind of 15 year old plays with action figures? Anyway, mock her all you want, but once you start raising a kid or two, rather than dogs, you'll see where she's coming from.

Read this, and then get help:

Agree that an all-female case is a gimmick, and also to the "so-what?" All that matters is whether or not it's any good. I also have zero patience with anyone that didn't like Bridesmaids. That movie is the ultimate proof that a female-centered movie can be absolutely hysterical, and this is coming from someone who

Glad someone had a good time.

I thought every white foreigner on the planet had a British accent!

Or we could condemn the gratuitous violence that Americans don't bat an eye at, AND the freewheeling hypersexuality of Europe.

All right, I want to talk about SNL, but not this article. TO WHIT: Based on the very small sample size of SNL I've caught over the last year or two, is Kate McKinnon is the funniest person on this show, or have I not seen enough? Because she kills me in everything I've seen her in.

I can own property, but that's because I'm not a penniless hippy!

If the "Cool Girl" description is truly "one of the most powerful (and oft-quoted) sections" of Gone Girl, that doesn't speak well for the book as a whole. I don't know any man that would want a woman that's indistinguishable from their male friends in all else but biology. Any woman who fits that description is

*prints out red mammoth's comment history, ruminates on possible places to shoehorn charges of misogyny*

*weeps as story of this exchange is recounted in the library*

It's only the beginning of the second season. This was just when The Office was hitting its stride. I've always thought Parks and Rec was overrated, but they're all solid.

If late-60s psychedelic rock is a genre you have even a passing respect for, do yourself a favor and check out 50,000 Miles Beneath My Brain by Ten Years After. It's an eight minute barnburner that starts as soft as a pillow, but by halfway through is all driving basslines, guitar riffs, and screaming vocals, and

You love cynical condescension, too? We should go to a party TOGETHER; really knock 'em dead!

"And that's the end of that chapter"

As an example, I thought Burn After Reading and A Serious Man was contemptuous of nearly every character, and I don't like either one of them. They're not just idiots, but cowards, too.