Justin Vest

“You know—for kids!” Exactly. Critics need to chill. That deus ex machina at the end is the reason why there's a Coen brothers movie I can watch with the kids still awake. Fargo and Miller's Crossing are no-gos. Ah, O Brother Where Art Thou. OK, there's two of them.

He played "Beercan" when I saw him last month, and I can assure you it is a highly danceable tune.

Whaaaa? You're either young or hard to please. I loved the hell out of the single player campaign, almost as much as multiplayer.

Is Venice Beach another name for World 4 in SMB3?

I know what you mean. I grew up in a neighborhood with friends that comprised 3/4 of the varsity basketball team, and my sorry ass. It prepared me well, though I would charitably be considered an average athlete. VERY charitably.

You certainly stand alone in that regard.

Nevermind, it was released in January of 1995. WHY DIDN'T I LOOK IT UP FIRST.
{slinks out the door}

As far as Chinese movies from 1994 go, make mine Rumble in the Bronx.

A flood brings about a shortage of people that are still alive. The townspeople react like spherical chickens. Big Jim and Barbie are now partners in a multi-level marketing scam, so Jim hatches a plan to eat the town. Thankfully, since Josie is a former arms dealer, s/he realizes the dome is acting like a 9 volt

"What, massive black dildos aren't in everyone's house?" - Bryan Levy

I kind of got the feeling reading this that he thought the game was great, too

Oh, excellent idea. And check this out—what if you HAD To use the Wiimote and nunchuk configuration to "shake" the Pikmin off, being as how there's no other function for the shake. That would counter the advantage the holder of the GamePad has, who have to be stuck with the Pikmin, or perform something more

I agree, this was stellar. Strong through the finish.


Not when you're talking about aDwD. Then it's completely on the nose.

Did you even read my entire reply to him? Did you read his question? If you deny that separate branches of gov't have functioned to slow the growth of centralized power, your ignorance (or pointless contrarianism I suspect in his case) is too massive to tackle on fucking Disqus.

In practice, it HAS limited the power of government. People appeal to the courts against the government all the time, and very often it results in limiting the power of government. We've seen a few examples of this just in the last two weeks.

Oh, really? Since you're such an expert, why don't you show me how it's done? You're an asshole. Now, prove me wrong, or shut the fuck up and go home.

Yes, you provided me with a name (Anthony Wayne) and a link to the very site whose purpose is to preserve his legacy. Slow down, there's too much here clashing with my antiquated notions.

a) No, I don't care to do that at all. If you going to deny the branches of government were set up to constrain one another, and that the tendency of expanding power has been slowed by it, I wouldn't even know where to begin.
b) Who's pretending they were a unified group? They eventually settled on Articles of