Justin Vest

All right man, whatever. If you're hellbent on diminishing a great man's legacy, there's no stopping you. Realize, though, that this kind of bullshit can work on anyone.

Oh, did we pivot to his actual administration? I thought we were talking about the Revolution.

In conclusion, there is a God

Yeah, the mention of "chilling comedy bit" reminds me of the time I was just "chilling" with my friends, when we got a phone call from another friend that heard about a party, and so anyway what ended up happening was….


Oh, well then they must not be paying attention.

He was a go-getter, wasn't he?

The founders knew institutions expand power and scope, which is why they designed the new government to fight against that very tendency. Was that silly and ignorant and inherently wrong?

That's just another way of saying they run on decisions, made by leaders. Who ideally possess strong leadership skills. Which George Washington had in abundance.

Yes, but the point was that he was, in fact, a great leader. He inspired trust. You can't dismiss that in his case, nor in George Washington's.

It may prove the entire worldview unsuccessful. It does nothing to prove its wrong.

Yeah, because leadership isn't a real thing. The world runs on ideas!

What would that prove? Is there a president in your experience that conservatives mistakenly believe did so?

I was playing Skyward Sword with no intent whatsoever to indoctrinate my daughter, but two years ago as a preschooler she became completely enchanted by Link, Princess Zelda, and Hyrule by watching me play. I couldn't even play without her due to her deep disappointment if she "missed something". I bought her Hyrule

A lot of girls like that type, especially when they're that young. Does everything need to be propaganda?

That would be when "Life Goes On" premiered

Defendent Son of Neckbeard, convincingly defending himself in Judge Paulonius42's COMMENT COURT!

{Captcha Reader holds a quaking Scrawler's hand outside and gently explains what all the honey bees are doing}

Yeah, but then they would have had to recast Isla Fisher, Elizabeth Banks, and Rachel Weisz.

We need a tie-breaking black person! I'll go outside and find one.