Justin Vest

I'm screaming it ALL THE TIME. But no one listens. {frownie face}

Wow, you guys are still at it, huh? Anyway, she chose to lie and exaggerate in the books all on her own. Her participation in Tyrion's prosecution MAY have been forced (we don't know for sure), but only she was in a position to humiliate him. None of the other witnessed lied to the extent she did, which can only

Good point. As long as we fickle book readers refuse to be happy (and I do), might as well get it right!

Agreed. That was a change I liked.

You're misrepresenting Tyrion's character, and what's worse, you're misattributing something someone else said "Should considered herself lucky someone wanted to fuck her."

Then why visit it at all?

Yeah, but he was the one that chose trial-by-combat. Tywin gave him an out. But let's suppose Tywin knew the truth. Why is Tyrion demanding that Tywin not call Shae a whore? She WAS a whore. Unlike Tysha, who was not. They even wrote Tyrion recounting the story to Bronn in the show. Why, if it wasn't going to

She was a prostitute that the second-most powerful man in Westeros (Hand of the King) was devoted to. And when her life was in danger, she was offered an out with enough money to live comfortably in the Free Cities. If prostitution was a Fortune 500 company, Tyrion made her the CEO. The whole situation smacked of

Eh. Without that POS Merritt Frey whining on his way to his death, how cool would that scene be? Not very.

I think they wanted to avoid charges of misogyny from sites like this one, so they only had so much "anti-woman" capital to spend. And Cersei just about breaks the bank. George R.R. Martin is a good Democrat, but unfortunately, this storyline was written in the old, old beforetimes (the 90s) when even good men

I don't see a need for Jojen's character past getting Bran to the three eyed raven.

I agree. I didn't expect her to be introduced yet. What was the show supposed to do? Take the time to introduce a Frey, remind the show-onlys who he is, then kill him? Just not enough time.

Yeah, that was just pulled right outta the buttcrack

In fact, the show's efforts to make Shae more sympathetic than book Shae completely failed. Show Shae is at least ten years older than book Shae, but not one year wiser. The youth of book Shae allowed for some sympathy when she was killed, at least. Oh yeah, and way to have Shae grab for a knife like a seasoned

1) That shot of the three-eyed raven's weirwood was gorgeous.
2) The fight between Brienne and Sandor was one of the best fight scenes I've ever seen, anywhere. Hot damn that was awesome.
3) Loved the omission of Tyrion lying to Jaime about killing Joffrey (thought that was a mistake on Martin's part), but hated the

"and so far as I know, they’re not people we’ve been acquainted with before."
Gahhh! It was Grenn! Grenn was in the tunnels, and the show killed him, and people didn't even notice. Damn it.

I'd recommend checking out Mario Kart 8, then. It feels a whole lot like Mario Kart 64.

The claw steering, I love that visual so much. It's like buttering your toast with a machete.

Plant's voice is the most common barrier I've experienced to people getting into Zeppelin. I happen to love it, but I get what you're saying.

I care, man. I care. Although I'm surprised you give 1 a grade of "sucks". "You Shook Me" is the only song on the album I'm not completely in love with.