Justin Vest

Or the BBC Sessions.

Along with their cover of "Somethin' Else" and "The Girl I Love She Got Long Black Wavy Hair". (I do declare).
Haven't seen the BBC sessions mentioned much, which surprises me. I loved that album as much as any of the studio albums.

Not authentic enough for you, eh? That's too bad.

I've always thought they were the greatest. I feel sorry for anyone who doesn't discover them by the age of 23 or 24. Rock music is primarily for the young, and Zeppelin's catalogue seems tailor-made for them. In no way is there even a hint of criticism meant by that. Obligatory favorite Zep song mention:

The Crunge was kind of lame. Otherwise, excellent, excellent album.

Same. I remember the old guys telling me that "Presence is actually really good, you're missing out, kid!" I liked it, but it didn't have me sneaking out to my car to listen to it during my high school job like their first six albums did.

Because especially with their first six albums, the radio stations omit so many gems. Like "No Quarter" or "The Rain Song", both on Houses of the Holy, both absolutely essential Zeppelin songs, and neither that you'll hear on the radio.

It was worse than sexist. It was boring.

Notwithstanding the colossal disappointment in "The Rising" (which I bought because Rolling Stone's 5-star rating sold me), in 2004 I was in that period of life where rock music was my favorite thing in the world. And then Bruce Springsteen played his music at rallies for John Kerry. It disgusted me. To play for a

Well said. I was surprised at the level of her courtroom betrayal, and assumed the writers had something else in mind for her. I'm not complaining, though. I watch the show for its parts, not its sum, and this particular part was a triumph.

"Sound like"? That's very generous.

Yeah, but another way to interpret that is that they've found music they enjoy from most genres. Unless they don't elaborate past "I like everything", in which case you've probably pegged them.

I do that compulsively and always have, but I recognize it's obnoxious.

What if they're younger than 40?

He might be flipping through the channels at noon, though.

"Hey AV Club, what's your cultural dealbreakers? We came up with some right here. Tell us some of yours!"

@avclub-c0dc1051164bf1848c76c1e9fce2544d:disqus If one person was a Saw fan, and another told me a story about how they saw a group of bullies beat up a smaller kid, and then laughed about it, I would be equally repulsed by both. You saved me the trouble of having to think of one of these on my own.

Support for gay marriage in Japan is about where this country was 20 years ago, and insisting that a foreign company, and a foreign culture, cater to our sensibilities is as ridiculous as Christians boycotting Japanese exports for their makers not being sufficiently churchy. Give them time, and they'll be right where

Counting the women and minorities and dividing them by the white men is what passes for wit on AV Club nowadays, but really it's just first grade math.

I agree with that last part, but there's an annoying misconception that EVERYBODY in Westeros is a moral gray, when that's just not true. There are a handful of evil characters and good characters.