Justin Vest

Why are her thoughts less legitimate than the 1500 others here? I found her opinion to be well thought out, legitimate, and respectful of the fans of the series. It's fascinating to see the mindmeld organism try to weed out the contrary opinion, though

Not even a single time, unless you mean by the laws of these United States, in which case I'd like to complain about the numerous zoning violations in King's Landing.

Brienne is no degree of asshole. Neither is Bran, Tormund Giantsbane, Mance Rayder, Daenerys, Ned Stark, Robb Stark, the Blackfish…I could go on.

"We have a right to be dicks because you said something we disagree with, nor do we respect your right to have an opinion".

I love aSoIaF, but I respect this opinion. Would be very strange if everyone liked it.

It was just that he should die. People were cheering justice. Joffrey was an irredeemable monster. I'm so glad he's dead. You should be, too.

I work with a lot of people that watch the show but haven't read the books, and they like Jaime. Anecdotal, I know, but I wonder where you've collected these opinions.

WHY WHY WHY. Arya too, probably. I mean why not at this point.

I thought the showrunners were trying to drum up sympathy for Cersei to avoid charges of misogyny, just as they did with Shae, and just as they did by making Robb Stark's wife one of his war councilors. Looks like it backfired.

I've never considered Ramsay (or Joffrey for that matter) to be even slightly boring. Do you think Ned Stark and Brienne are boring because they're clearly "good"? Moral ambiguity of characters has been a crucial ingredient to Ice and Fire's quality, but I like that there's a handful of good and evil characters to

I thought the whole point of making Shae sympathetic and Robb Stark's wife a war consiglieri was so that they'd have enough misogyny capital in the bank to keep Cersei's character true.

Has it been progressive? I hadn't noticed, only that I thought his performance in last night's episode was terrible. I've always considered Littlefinger to be as cool as the other side of the pillow, but last night's character seemed in over his head.

"Some reflections on the women of Westeros". I thought that was the title of this weekly blog!

Oh, I think this is a website with music fans. You must be lost.