Justin Reich

I totally agree with you that we need Astronauts, but I don't think this image really portrays that very strongly.

@Prawn_Star GET TO ZE IRC: I said it in a matter of fact way. Sure, it can be thought of as derogatory if you think fiat currency is the way to go.

Let us not forget that one of the reason why computers are replaceable these days, is that they're so freaking cheap. Apple laptops starting at $999?? What was that 15 years ago? A PowerBook 190 in 1995 would cost $1,900. Oh, wait, thanks to the government constantly devaluing our money, that is equivalent to

If the sound of them inflating is anything like a real airbag

@Conting3ncyP1an: Even so . . . It's WAY too far from the earpiece.

wow. They REALLY misplaced the front camera hole!

@oanda: Let's take this a step further and ask, if we're that advanced in this future, why is someone holding a handset up to their face? That's not even necessary today. I'm sure people will get over the DBgery of having a bluetooth headset.

LOL. Time traveller? I hope she was able to set up some cell phone towers, any other infrastructure needed for a phone call, as well as another time traveller to speak to.

I'm was thinking of modding my iPhone so it would be white, Engadget style, but then I saw the take apart instructions on ifixit. Yeesh. Looks more complicated than the time I replaced the optical drive on my 12" PowerBook. I had about 10 extra screws hanging around after I sealed it up. And bluetooth stopped

@ddhboy: Wow. So no HTML5 OR flash support? Ouch. Let's hope they allow 3rd party browser in their marketplace.

Wait . . . why doesn't vimeo work? That works on my iPhone without an app through HTML5. WP7 supports that . . . right??

@Loonm: Why would that void your warranty? People who claim this don't really understand how warranties work.

@cbytes: I did that in my 13" MBP, and I'll tell you, I have never ever used a faster computer. Although, it depends entirely on what you're doing on the computer, but for my MBP, I'm just using it for lightweight apps, internet and Mail. Video and photography work gets done on my iMac.

You know, as much as I WANT this to work well, anytime I try it, I seem to wind up with a hacintosh that runs OS X 99.5% perfectly. For whatever reason the .5% of the time it doesn't work flawlessly really annoys me. Computers that don't "just work" are the reason I choose mac over windows in the first place. If

Better than what happened when I tried to poke myself on Facebook a few years ago

I was wondering the same thing. But they're calling it "the future of MacBooks". Could the MBA be their test device for future technologies? Though, come to think of it, what future technologies do the new MBA really bring to market? Flash? Nope, available on previous MacBooks. Smallness? Maybe.

Rosa always looks so blue in these. I think all her cameras have white balance issues. Or she's a Smurf.