Justin Reich

@FriarNurgle: Haha. That's how much a bluray disk costs. You're pretty deluded if you think they could sell something at that price and still make money.

@pmbaustin: The human retina can't really see pixels that small. The memory analogy is erroneous.

@justinpe: No, the rich people won't pay for it. They have accountants who can navigate our complex tax code.

Thank G-d. Not only would we get internet that would be sub-par, and not updated, but we'd have to pay for it if we used it or not.

I think the most important thing is the price, here. Pixels do not need to be any smaller than they are on the iPhone 4. It would be overkill.

@Joshua Willis: Wake me up when they integrate into loads of other apps like 3banana does and I might be interested. But likely not interested enough to switch.

Remember what happened last time American and Britain squared off?

Why did they pull the app? Isn't it clear? They violated the terms of the contract they signed with Apple.

Funny that you use a photo of one of the few libraries in the US that doesn't rent DVDs.

@im2fools: I'm not trying to be a jerk, but I think quality photos are a huge factor in putting together a quality review. Maybe I'm just noticing it here because Giz normally has really nice photos associated with their reviews, and it just looks sloppy with this review.

Pro Tip: With your next review try taking photos with a DSLR, or at least a point and shoot. When you run a gadget blog, taking review shots with a cameraphone doesn't quite cut it.

Last I heard apple was giving out the "livestrong bracelets" which are made of metal, plastic, and rubber.

@SCN55: I'd be po'ed too if I had the audacity to extort someone, and they just went and told the police!

I don't understand. How is this a stark reminder to how fragile the iPhone is? Oh, right. It's gizmodo. You have to make sure to keep up with your apple bashing quota.

He's right. People need to RELAX and stop driving the hype machine that Gizmodo started. I have not dropped a call once because of these so-called issues. I see the bars falling off if I hold my phone in a particular way, but I don't see any degradation in call quality. It's also extremely awkward to cup the

Kyle, I don't think you followed the internal giz memo wherein you're supposed to bash Apple for things like this. GET ON THE BALL

It's easy. If you don't like this philosophy, don't buy into it. There are plenty of Android phones for you. If you buy into it KNOWING this is the philosophy behind the brand, then you complain about it, I have ZERO sympathy for you.

There's an antenna problem? I've been reading Gizmodo for the past week, why are you guys JUST mentioning this??

They couldn't have chosen a phone that doesn't look so two-thousand and late for their shot?