
That's fair. I do appreciate that their boring announcers aren't trying to overpower the actual football. With that said, in a controversial opinion, I do like Chris Collinsworth. I think he does a better job than anyone of highlighting the "non-skill" positions. He'll find a great block, pinpoint a specific thing

In my mind, NBC has the only really bearable production. I mean, I hate the song and CGI intro, but it's nice after that. CBS feels like waiting room material to me. ESPN is just plain stupid with their graphics and insistence on using Gruden, and FOX has the stupid fucking robot. Though I do admit, I enjoy the

Rich Fulcher's story about Abe LIncoln as a lawyer sealed the deal for me on this show. That was just amazing. His slow, slow "No, I invented the reaper you mother fucker" that sounded like he was falling asleep as he said it….that was hilarious.

Eric Edelstein addressed that last season. He said he was sick of people claiming they fake it, so he chugged a ludicrous amount of alcohol in one unbroken shot just to prove that they do throw down.

Tony Hale did the best acting to date in the series in this episode. It was just delightful.

One moment I enjoyed; Ruffin talking about how she had two voting suppression issues to overcome as a black woman, and the Derek Waters adds "I've always been able to vote." It was a silly little joke, but it was refreshing to see him acknowledge his privilege like that in his usual blank way. Just a great moment to

Eric Roberts.

I just finished. I love this show. Each character with their own rythyms and mannerisms that never rang false. The only exception to that, I'd say, is tolliver, who always seemed a little too snakelike in Boothe's performance. But at any rate, this is just amazing stuff. Pure poetry. Especially Ian McShane. Al

I'm late to the game here, but his contributions to Drunk History have been among the best the show has aired.

I'm just watching this for the first time. One thing that immediately jumped out at me: women had the vote in Deadwood. 40+ years before national suffrage, this rough camp on the edge of civilization extended the vote to women. And not "proper" women; even prostitutes. That struck me as very, very progressive, and

I remember being allowed to watch Aliens and Die Hard and Lethal Weapon as a kid, possibly as young as 8 or 9. My kids aren't that old yet, but I have a tough time believing I'll let them watch this at that age.

One thing I love about Aliens is that it took the time to introduce several characters and give them a degree of depth. At the beginning, you got great character-revealing lines by Vasquez, Apone, Hicks, Hudson, Frost, Drake….and then half of those people died in the first battle sequence. You had no way of knowing

Also, he was a dude, not a woman with a normal sex life. And he didn't have any nicknames for himself as catchy as Foxy Knoxy.

I'm glad that you noted the fact that Mignini noted the blanket-covering as "something only a woman would do." He also gave himself away by noting her disrespect of authority, which he said "maybe is something they do in Seattle, but not here." The ENTIRE case was "here is a woman who likes to have premarital sex

I like Che, and in my opinion the blank expression helps. He comes across to me as someone who has smoked way, way too much weed and is now making it his mission to say harsh things and see how the rest of the party reacts. I personally think it's pretty funny.

Also, that movie was a great ad for cocaine. Passed out from booze? Need a pick-me-up before flying a commercial airliner? TRY COCAINE!

I was skeptical about her inclusion in the set, but also very curious. Was she there because she's secretly hilarious? Did she have some connection with Rob Lowe? Was she going to reveal something about herself that people could cheer for? No, no, and FUCKING NO! She was there to shill a book. Every time she was

I'm not saying journalism isn't generally pretty bad. It is. But just because some people believe that it correlates to media conglomeration doesn't mean it's caused by media conglomeration. They do a lot (A LOT) of viewer research, and you'd be surprised sometimes by how little people are interested in hearing or

Just a quick note about big TV station groups, since I happen to work for one of those big owners….the newsrooms have not been "gutted" in any way, shape, or form, at least not in the most recent rush of consolidation by my company. I work at one of those local stations, and the mantra is "local, local, local" While

"Are you better than me?"