
Exactly. This isn't as bad as the guy who completely and utterly did not understand Nirvana's Rape Me, but this was pretty bad.

I'm not a huge fan, but I always read this as a stupid cautionary tale, and not some dad trying to excuse himself. Again, not great, but I don't think it's anything to get angry about. It's just some half-assed song writer trying to say "hey, better spend time with your kid, or someday he won't spend time with you."

I've seen a few episodes of this nonsense. I always felt so bad watching Holly because she seemed to be the only one of the three who took this shit seriously. The other two women were just in it for the fun and exposure and NOT out of love of Heffner, but Holly genuinely, seriously seemed to think that this was

Thanks for the background from the books. It seems a little far fetched, but I wouldn't put it past the show to loop Dorne back in for some sort of easy alliance like this. But then, I also wouldn't put it past them to consider the Dorne situation on hold for the next season or three.

Is it crazy and/or already claimed that the Tyrells and Sand ladies are allied secretly? They took out the only other legitimate Baratheon, and now the path is clear for Tommen to go and for Margaery to take over. Is there someone who has claimed this? If not, I am. Right now.

I had a vision that the episode would start with them attempting to burn Jon's body (as they tend to do in White Walker country), only to slowly realize that his body wasn't burning. I guess I was buying in to the fan theories. But it made me realize something that bothers me about the episode: why would they just

I might be projecting a bit, but the blood pattern looked like a dragon to me.

Thanks for showing Dexter. I had that blocked mentally for a while now and was doing fine. Now, I have that stupid, stupid ending in my head again.

This is just outstanding. I believe I'm emerging from my cinematic dark years. Fury Road, The Force Awakens, the Gunslinger….for the first time in probably a decade, I've become very excited about upcoming movies again. I didn't think that would be possible.

I'm going to quickly invent a machine that operates on the tears of Leonardo DiCarprio fans, just in case he gets shut out again. I secretly hope that the Academy recognizes a desperate Oscar-bait performance when they see one and hold off on his "lifetime achievement, Al Pacino" Oscar for later down the line. But

I see what you are saying, but I think the baggage associated with Mel Gibson would have made the suggested impact a moot point. Plus, and maybe this is just me, but I never really saw Max as a particularly noteworthy character. Again, I was little when I saw the movies, but I think his main point was to be our eyes

I had one of the same problems as the author this season. Namely, that it presents the whole arc as being Frank's master plan, which makes less than zero sense. So they cover their tracks by saying the end result was Frank's plan B. Really? If they eventually start to present Frank as being delusional and super

I would watch the Sansa and Arya Revenge Killing Spree on loop for weeks. Just killing, riding, killing, riding, killing, riding, and eventually the story just sort of ends. Sounds great.

I'd say good news for Rubio for sure. Winning Iowa hasn't been great news in the past couple of elections for the Republicans, but placing near the top sure helps. Also, I think last night really threw a wrench into the Hillary is inevitable narrative. I think she's in deep trouble.

I remember watching this chase wide-eyed with my dad a few times. I remember loving it. And I remember vividly some of the details (like the low-level camera positioned so they turned right before hitting it or the fact that there was no music playing the entire time. Just the engines). What I didn't remember was

Again, that's just a terrible comparison. We actually see George Lucas as a guy who created a wonderful universe full of characters who entertain us, and then spent decades making it worse. Most criticism of the prequels is motivated by logic; it's genuinely shocking to us when people try to say they are good with a

Yeah, that's a great comparison. One group has strong opinions about a trio of terrible movies, shares them online, and then moves on with their day. The other actively stoke hatred into official policy used by one of two political parties in the wealthiest nation in the world, thus ensuring laws based on hate,

Ah yes, the AV Club end of the year stuff.

Trying to narrow it down to one is a fool's errand, especially in regards to the prequels. I'm glad that these responses were so good (well, most of them).

Fulcher sold me immediately the first time I saw him talk about Abe Lincoln and the reaper lawsuit. "I invented the reaper you mother fucker…." "No, I invented the reaper you mother fucker." Told in a very, very slow and sleepy manner, it was just delightful and made for a very funny lip-reading. I look forward to