
How do they credit him with around 500 kills for the Jabba Pleasure Barge? That seems really high for the size of the barge. Unless there were a ton of little guys or something.

No, no, no, no, no, wrong, no, no, no, dammit NO! The prequels were terrible. Horrible. Just plain garbage. There is no way to watch these under new angles and see them as worthy of anything other than scorn. The acting was ludicrous, the effects actually served to make it boring by removing any sense of reality,


I've only heard a little bit of EODM, but I like their songs, their attitude, and especially their name. From what I've heard (again, a few songs), they are fun and have a wicked sense of humor. I would think this will obviously dampen that a bit.

In all seriousness, that would be creepy as shit. Imagine a lonely guy navigating a snowy forest, on the verge of death, and he sees a lonely fire in the distance. He makes his way to it, thankful to the guy at the fire to be alive, only to realize his nightmare just began.

Two words for you: Chris. Brown.

Yeah, that's what I'm talking about! And at least one of them would make some sort of joke about "trapping beaver." And the wacky black sidekick would be like "Daaaaaaaamn!"

I'd like to see Jeremiah Johnson, directed by Michael Bay. Like, the visuals were fine, and Robert Redford surrounded by nature's harsh beauty, with minutes upon minutes of no dialogue that told a story anyway, was nice and wonderful. But that motherfucker needed more explosions and shit. And can you imagine how Bay

A couple of episodes ago, he alluded to himself naturally looking like a drunk hobo, or something to that effect. He knows himself so well.

I loved this movie. Loved it. Madmartigan was the just about the coolest guy in the world to 6 year old me. Probably even cooler than Han Solo, for a short time when sword fighting seemed like a better idea than blasters.

And on aside note: his explanation about how much he loves women's voices so he writes songs for them and then has to sing them a little lower? That's basically an indictment of your singing ability. Just stick to writing, I guess.

Holy shit, how full of himself can one guy be? What kind of over-inflated ego do you have to have to think "You know what would be great? An album I recorded already, but sung by women!" Seriously, and to put out a 500 word press release about this? Just…man. I can't get into this stuff any more, but I especially

I was thinking how different it would be if K2 happened to be the taller peak. It's not as sought after now because it's not #1, but what if it was? It's much more remote, much more difficult, and much more dangerous. Everest is well-known for being strewn with garbage and is such a relatively easy mountain

Did he leave voluntarily, or did GoT just decide that they needed a better Daario?

I work at a radio station, and Pat Monahan is a very, very, VERY nice guy. But that doesn't change the fact that he the worst lyricist in the history of the English language. It wasn't mentioned, but the song Drops of Jupiter pisses me off in a major way. It's all such garbage. I just can't stand the music and

I see the promos for this and the only thing I think about is that they realized that The Walking Dead has moved beyond what made it so interesting in the first place, so they are going back to the zombie uprising to milk that one more time. I think you could get 3 or 4 good seasons of just showing how various people

Dre plays the "I take full responsibility for my actions" card that celebrities love to pull out. It means nothing. Absolutely nothing.

Crash was not very good and definitely ranked dead last among the nominees for me. Still, it was a better movie than Gladiator, while we're on the subject of non-deserving Oscar winners.

I'm fairly sure that "In your face space coyote!" is on the list of my top 5 most-used Simpsons quotes. If the context even remotely applies, I'll use that line.

I agree that it was terrible delivery. But why give the guy one line that he tried to milk for all it was worth? Stuff like that is sometimes a giveaway that he's the twist. Just like how they gave the guy on the lawnmower a weird amount of screen time early in season 1.