
I'm enjoying it. I am a little annoyed at the grim police tropes running wild, and I think the episodes intentionally bog themselves down to make the ending more exciting by comparison, but I like it overall. They are doing a pretty good job of unrolling the conspiracy to make it bigger and bigger. I also love what

I think the "He's half anaconda, half Great White" guy is the mastermind. Why else would they give him one line so full of pretend wisdom? The dude is going to double cross Vince Vaughn.

This was the first time I felt like Taylor Kitsch pulled his weight. I've been calling him Robot Cop this whole time, but I think his demeanor at the end of the gun fight said exactly what it needed to say. Pretty good work. So far, here are my actor grades, if anyone cares:

I kind of lose it when she asks about the blood on him, and he responds with "Not all of it…..that's not mine!" Like the violence was moving into a dream-like memory, only to be brought to the forefront again. Pretty powerful.

There was a 1-way mirror, as I recall.

My guess for the final scene is that it was staged. Ray's shooting all lined up with the video camera, conveniently. Even his dramatic turn around. I am going to guess that he is working as a sort of double agent, working with the guys who killed Caspere. What they intend to do with the video is beyond me, but I'm

Terrible. Just terrible. Though I feel inclined to say that there were a lot worse things about Audioslave than Chris Cornell.

Pennsatucky saying that she isn't a rapist was just such a great moment to me. I have all sorts of thoughts about what I would do if something terrible happened to me, most of which involve very revenge-driven eye for an eye scenarios. But a rape doesn't erase another rape; it just creates two rapists. Lines like

I'm still watching eagerly. It's a serialized story, like in old pulp magazines. Each of those told a different story with different themes and different archetypes. I'm certainly glad we're not getting another version of Season 1. All I know is that his guy has a good feel for what he is trying to do here, and

I watched whole series, mostly because I have to finish these things. The last few seasons were a real chore to get through. What really he rolling my eyes were the CONSTANT celebrity cameos in later seasons that were absolutely shoehorned in for no reason other than the celebrity in question told his agent "I want

I listened to Revolution 9 with my parents, who put it on and giggled at my confusion. I wanted them to explain the Simpsons Barbershop Quartet episode, which was a great intro to the Beatles. I've since done the same thing with my kids, laughing at their confusion and eventual anger. My point is: who has EVER

I loved the episode , but one particular moment really caught my eye. The last line in the stray observations, when Dany takes Tyrions cup. I noticed how his demeanor changed and his hands began fidgeting around his mouth. A small moment, but Peter dinklage really captured the alcoholic in that one moment.

One thing that I'm excited to see is what happens with Brienne. She hopes to be Sansa's savior, but Sansa is really hoping to see Stannis show up. Brienne will be torn for sure. Try for revenge against Stannis, or lay off knowing that he might be better able to help Sansa. Should be interesting.

I have a classification of recent pop music I call Hobbit Music. Passenger and Of Monsters and Men are the primary groups responsible. When his song comes on, it reminds me of "The Greatest Adventure is what lies ahead" from the animated Hobbit.

I have a classification of recent pop music I call Hobbit Music. Passenger and Of Monsters and Men are the primary groups responsible. When his song comes on, it reminds me of "The Greatest Adventure is what lies ahead" from the animated Hobbit.

This song is just repetitive and toothless. It kind of turned me off of Metallica before I even had a chance to get into them. And then I listened to the lyrics….it's about dreams. Bad dreams, but still dreams. That's pretty un-metal. But there were some good tracks on the Black Album.

To me, the funniest moment of the episode was in the childhood home movie montage. Specifically, teenage Cecily Strong blurting out "Where's my cocaine?" What the hell kind of play was that?!?

He had me cracking up in that movie too. But I'll remember him as Bill the Butcher saying the single most offensive thing I I think I have ever heard in a movie. It was when he called the guy a "Mother-whoring Irish N****er." For some reason, that really stayed with me.

I saw a note about the South Centros skit and was excited. Sounded fun. I have not been that disappointed in an SNL pre-taped skit in a long, long time. Just very basic race humor.

It may be due to the fact that I am also watching Game of Thrones, but I kept expecting a tragic death. The way Mr. Pelham was holding his gun (lazily and in Edith's general direction) really raised my blood pressure. I was certain someone was getting killed during the hunt, but then….nothing. I'm relieved. Great